Consider this sentence Discere est utilis- to learn is fun or learning is fun The infinitive is functioning as a subject To put discere in any other case than the nominative a gerund is used
Formation Add the ending – ndi to the stem of 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd conjugation and Add the ending –endi to the stem of 4 th conjugation and 3 rd -io ConjugationGerund in the genitive 1 st conjugationParandi 2 nd conjugationTenendi 3 rd conjugationColendi 4 th conjugationAudiendi 3 rd iocapiendi
Then decline it like a neuter noun 2 nd declension CaseGerundTranslation (Nominative)(Discere)To learn/ learning GenitiveDiscendiOf learning DativeDiscendoFor learning AccusativeDiscendum (used with ad)Learning AblativeDiscendoBy learning
Irregular Gerunds Eo, ire- eundi- of going Fero, ferre- ferendi- of carrying/bearing
Summary of Gerunds Form by adding- ndi to stem of 1/2/3 and –endi to stem of 4 / 3io Conjugate it like a 2 nd conjugation neuter The nominative of the gerund is the infinitive- to verb/ verbing Irregular verbGerund in the gen Eo, ire, ivi, itumeundi Fero, ferre, tuli, latumferendi
Exercise 1 page Animadverto, ere – to notice animadvertendi- of noticing 2. Appropinquo, are- to approach Appropinquandi- of approaching 3. Cerno, ere- to see, distinguish Cernendi- of seeing 4. Clamo, are- to shout Clamandi- of shouting 5. Fingo, fingere- to imagine, form in mind Fingendi- of imagining 6. Impingo, ere- to strike, push Impingendi- of pushing
7. infligo, infligere- to strike, inflict infligendi- of striking 8. percutio, percutere-to strike through percutiendi- of striking through 9. repello, repellere- to thrust back, push back repellendi- of pushing back 10. rideo, ridere- to laugh, smile ridendi- of laughing, smiling 11. veho, vehere- to drive, carry vehendi- of driving, carrying
Uses of the gerund Genitive- the gerund is used with nouns or adjetives that take the genitive Studiosus- eager for Eram discendi studiosus- I was found of learning Allen & Greenough's NEW LATIN GRAMMAR 504. The Genitive of the Gerund and Gerundive is used after nouns or adjectives, either as subjective or objective genitive:--
Dative Used to indicate the purpose of the action Quaero locum aedificando I am looking for a place for building ie: I am looking for a place to build
Accusative Usually accompanied by the preposition “ad” indicates the purpose of the action Paratus sum ad pugnandum- I am ready for fighting
Ablative Used for means or instrument Discimus legendo We learn by reading
Exercise 3- Translate into English 1. Consilium cepi appropinquandi ad oppidum I made a plan of approaching i.e. to approach 2. Postquam diu curcumivi, tandem inveni locum descendendo After I went around for a long time, I finally found a place for descending. 3. Multi amici venerant ad spectandum. Many friend had come to watch. 4. Apectando intellexi me esse in caelo cum sideribus By watching I understood that I was in the sky with the stars.
Exercise 5 1. Multi sund studiosi caeli spectandi Many people are fond of watching the sky. Nicolaus erat studiosus speluncae investigandae nicolas was fond of searching into the cave Sederibus cernendis ille intellexit se esse in caelo. by seeing constellations he understood that he was in the sky.
Gerundive- a verbal adjective Formed identical to the gerund Is a 1 st and 2 nd declension adjective Example- parandus, a, um The basic meaning of the gerundive is PASSIVE Puella laudanda- a girl to be praised Liber legendus- a book to be read Puella amanda- a girl_________________
If the gerund has a direct object it becomes a gerundive Eram studiosus videndi- I was eager of seeing ie. I was eager to see. Eram studiosus videndae speluncae- I was eager to see the cave- “for the cave to be seen” Videndae= gerundive modifying speluncae feminine genitive singular
Exercise 5 1. Gerund: Multi sunt studiosi spectandi- many are eager of seeing. i.e. many are eager to see Gerundive: Multi sunt studiosi spectandi caeli.
Passive Periphrastic Gerundive + verb to be Denotes necessecity- “ought,” “must,” “had to,” etc…. Examples Puella est amanda- the girl must be loved Carthago delenda est- carthage must be destroyed Res factae a nobis laudandae sunt- Our actions (things done by us) must be praised
More examples Hoc faciendum est this must be done Liber cum cura legendus est the book must be read with care Pueri sunt puniendi- the boys must be punished
Dative of Agend Remember, in a passive sentence, to express the doer, previously the __________case was used Proelia sunt pugnata a hoc duce. Battles must be fought by this leader Ablative of Agent With passive periphrastics, the agent is expressed in the dative Proelia pugnanda sunt duci. It is like litterally saying: For the leader are battle to be fought.
Examples of Dative of Agent with Passive Periphrastics Hoc tibi faciendum est this must be done by you Liber cum cura mihi legendus est the book must be read by me with care Pueri magistris sunt puniendi- the boys must be punished by the teachers
Less awkward translations are “ok” if done correctly…but I would encourage you with passive periphrastics to stick with the literal translation Hoc tibi faciendum est this must be done by you You must do this. Liber cum cura mihi legendus est the book must be read by me with care. I must read the book with care. Pueri magistris sunt puniendi- the boys must be punished by the teachers. The teachers must punish the boys.
Note- the passive periphrastic can appear with other tenses of the verb “to be” Past- Libri legendi erant Books had to be read Future- Libri legendi erunt books will have to be read In my experience these are not as common…
Sometimes the Pperiphrastic is used impersonally- no person is specified. In this case the gerundive is neuter Legendum est- There must be reading People must read One must read
Exercise 6, page 347 Change the following sentences so that the duty expressed by debeo becomes obligation expressed by the passive periphrastic. Translate the sentences. 2. Amici funem bene tenere debebant. The friends ought to hold the rope well. The rope must be held well by the friends Amicis funis erat tenendus. 3. Funis rumpi non debebat. The rope ought not to be brokenThe rope must not be broken Funis non erat rumpendus. 4. Nicolaus monstrum repellere debebat Nicolaus ought to repell the monster. The monster ought to be repelled by Nicolaus Monstrum Nicolao erat repellendum. 5. Deinde is illum planetam fingere debuit. Then he had to imagine that planet.Then that planet had to be imagined by him Ille planeta ei finctus fuit. 6. SKIP 7. Nicolaus non debebat in arborem ascendere. Nicolaus ought not to descend into the tree It must not be ascended by Nicolaus into the tree Nicolao non erat ascendum in arborem. 8. Arbores de Nicolao iudicare debebant The trees ought to judge about Nicolaus. It must be judged about Nicolaus by the trees. Arboribus erat de Nicolao iudicandum