BesVis An Visualization software for BESIII experiment Zhengyun YOU School of Physics, PKU
Outline How to use BesVis; Highlights in BesVis; What is BesVis; Next work;
What is BesVis BesVis is a software for BESIII Event Display, Detector Visualization. Object Oriented, C++, based on ROOT and GDML; Start from Oct, 2005; Developed by Zhengyun YOU in Peking University;
How to run BesVis Preparation… BesVis installed on lxplus; > source /ihepbatch/besdata/public/youzy/besvis/pro/besvis.csh Prepare your event file for display: digi.root generated by jobOption_rec.txt run besvis.exe anywhere to start… > besvis.exe Note: XManager does not support OpenGL in 3D view ? Use Xwin32 as client ? Note: open a new window or source it before set boss env. Note: make sure to use BesROOT/RootEventData (the 3 packages in the coming release ?) /RootCnvSvc /RootIO to generate your event file. events by bossv5.0.0 has error and could not be used. Note: screen 1024*768 or 1280*1024 is the best for besvis
Menu bar Up button bar Bottom button bar Display mode Control Tabs Status bar Main Window
Quick Manual geom root file Step 1: Load Geometry… And Get … Or
Quick Manual Step 2: Choose display mode, 5 in total Or XY + ZR XY ZR 3D All
Quick Manual Step 3: Load Event File… And Get … Or
Quick Manual
Step 4: Save Picture as… In format of.gif,.jpg,.ps,.eps,.xpm,.png,.tiff.gif is recommended Fast save as to current dir
Event Control Input event number and press Enter to directly goto … Or pull the slider… Previous and Next event … Auto display one by one … Each event last 1.0 second
View Control Current Pad Or third button of mouse?
XY and ZR View ZR view is the cut plane of Detector, on XY view
View Control Refresh Reset Current pad Reset all pads ZOOM Hand tool to drag on pad Rotate view angles (theta, phi, psi), psi only work in 3D view √ Tip auto to auto rotate Input Rotate speed Fps Rotate step Reset view angle to default Center
Detector and Dst Control Hits and tracks are always on top of all detectors Show parts of detector or not Show hits and tracks Or use menu View
Event Header Waiting for more event header Inof, trigger? Total P, Pt, Px, Py, Pz of all tracks from Mdc Minium tof in all tof tracks All Emc deposit energy Turn it on/off
MDC Wire position on east end plate Wire position on west end plate Fired Stereo wires Fired Axial wires
MDC Move cursor to track to show hit info Lost hits
MDC Move cursor to the circle to show hit info Turn all wires on It’ll be slow
MDC Turn info could be turn off Stereo wires’ Intersections with ZR plane
Tof Track contained hits
TOF Tof East EndCap on
EMC Track contains hits End cap hits Energy decides red area size
EMC Side view of EMC
EXT track
Others Set your home position Go to your home position Save your option Load your option Very useful for different users
Hot keys HotKey G is the only way to save picture, When your cursor could not move
3D View 3D pad is not clear, but a bridge to OpenGL and x3D OpenGLX3D I manage to make EMC crystal change size, In run time, according to energy.
OpenGL and X3D OpenGL X3D
J/Ψ-> μ + μ - event μ
Detector Visualization Mdc Muc Emc Tof
Highlight in BesVis BesVis is based on ROOT, and expand more functions than ROOT; All codes are written from the beginning, so a completely new software for BESIII; Many event display software in other experiments have been investigated; ZEUS, CDF, PHENIX, ATLAS(Fast), -- based on ROOT, codes viewed. Babar, STAR, CMS, LHCb, CLEO, BESII -- use some other software and platforms Realize their good functions and my new ideas in BesVis; Details…
Highlight I : GDML Use GDML detector description files to initialize geometry, so the geometry in BesVis is completely the same as those used in boss Simulation and Reconstrution; (only found in CMS, LHCb) GDML initialization is slow (~1min), so save it to a ROOT file once and load from it later, fast (~3 sec). ( new idea ) GDML files SimuReco ROOT geometry In RAM BesGdml geom.root Save to disk Display BesVis First time From the second …
Highlight II : geometry system Use the new 3D geometry system in ROOT, (from Aug,2004). All others known based on old geometry system. So BesVis maybe among the first ones to use new ROOT geometry, as many bugs in ROOT have been found and reported. A new 2D-3D geometry system developed by myself, from the idea used in ZEUS, as ROOT has no 2D geometry; 2D basic shapes: BesCircle2D, BesPolygon2D, … + 3D coordinate: BesView, BesVisdisplay, … = BesVis 2D view Geometry system
Highlight III : Interactive Good interactivity and association between detector, hits and tracks in BesVis; A useful way to display a lot of info on a small pad, Helpful for reconstruction; As is known, very few other event display software has good interactivity. One difficulty is in boarder judgment; This problem has been partly solved in BesVis; Given positions of each vertex, How to fast judge whether a point is inside it or not? (x1, y1) (x2, y2) (x3, y3) (x4, y4) (x5, y5) (x6, y6)
Highlight Ⅳ : GUI BesVis use ROOT GUI as user interface. But expand more functions. It’s difficult to use GUI to make a lively style, like MS Office ? Much times of work should be done; BesGPictureButton, BesGMenuTitle, BesCursor, … BesVis ROOT Gui
Highlight Ⅳ : Animation BesVis has animation in -- Auto display event, -- Auto rotation. OpenGL, X3d window has no connection with original 3D pad once they are created. How the auto rotation was realized? Use ROOT_v and keep it unchanged. Although much more work should be done.
Next work Next work will focus on 1. Test the correctness of displayed info. 2. Find bugs in software and fix them. (many has been found, but more exist…) 3. We need more people to use it. New functions and graphic engine will be considered.
Thank you!