I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Headquarters U.S. Air Force Warfighting Integration & XMSF Allen Murashige HQ USAF/XIW 6 Sep 2002
DCS Warfighting Integration (AF/XI) Mission The effect on the ‘target’ may be kinetic or non-kinetic …from dropping bombs, to information operations, to humanitarian relief. Achieving the desired effect is the key Close the seams between find, fix, track, target, engage, and assess by integration of manned, unmanned, and space systems
Command and Control Fused information’s Raison d’etre Command and Control Information Information Superiority Relevant Information Command and Control Information Operations Information Superiority Relevant Information Information Systems Key Enabler C2 Warfare Information Warfare Surveillance Reconnaissance Intelligence ISR C4ISR C4I Computers C4 Communications C3 Command Control C2 C2 Warfare Information Warfare Reconnaissance Surveillance Intelligence ISR C4ISR C4I Computers C4 Communications C3 Command Control C2 “War is primarily concerned with two sets of activities--the delivery of energy and the communication of information.” BG Norman Dixon
USAF Needs a Dedicated Team of Information Professionals to Develop, Manage, and Operate End-To-End the USAF Portion of this Grid Future Robust Global Connectivity Price of Admission to Network Centric Warfare is a Robust, Integrated C4ISR Infostructure
JTF HQ Air and Space Network Data Warehouses Network Ready Cockpit Ops Center Knowledge Wall Network Ready Logistics Databases Sensors - ISR Secure Robust Networked On-Demand Information Supports The Warfighter
Director ( $$ ) of C4ISR Integration (XII) DCS ( $$$ ) Warfighting Integration (SES Deputy) Director ( $$ ) of C4ISR Infostructure (XIC) Director (SES) of C4ISR Architecture and Assessment (XIW) AF Agency for Modeling & Simulation (FOA) AF Communications Agency (FOA) AF Frequency Mgt Agency (FOA) AFC2ISRC (FOA)--(MAJCOMs) Exec Support Division AF/XIE Ops Integration Division (XIII) Integration Planning Division (XIIX) Innovation Division (XIIV) Architecture and Technology Division (XIWA) Alignment and Assessment Division (XIWS) Modeling and Simulation Division (XIWM) C4 Combat Capabilities (XICC) C4ISR Combat Connectivity (XICI) Warfighting Integration AF/XI Organization Resource Planning Division (XIP)
AF/XI Focus Areas Develop C4ISR modernization roadmaps grounded in an architecture of integrated operational, system and technical views Enable network centric operations through the provision of a robust comm infostructure Enhance the integration of air and space ISR capabilities Foster innovation through experimentation, wargames, battle labs, ACTDs, rapid acquisition Produce a modeling and simulation capability for C4ISR An AF-wide network shared for development, acquisition, training and operations Improve interoperability, reuse, effectiveness and efficiency of AF-wide modeling & simulation
M&S Desired Capabilities Large scale distributed heterogeneous simulations, flexible/easy to set up Interoperate simulations hosted on mixed platforms (Sun, Intel, etc) with mixed operating systems (Windows, Unix, etc) Integrate/interoperate applications implemented in different computer languages (Java, Fortran, C++, etc) Ensure network, data, and application security, including multi-level security Produce valid, meaningful results using models with mixed fidelity Operate mixed batch and interactive runtime models in a simulation Integrate real world C4ISR systems with synthetic battlespace Maintain transparency, logical consistency and causality while integrating heterogeneous simulations
Suggested XMSF Approach Development: Service’s funds & patience are very limited wrt M&S M&S initiatives are a very hard sell Don’t want another JSIMS situation AF has been pursuing concept similar to XMSF on a small scale Perfect task for DMSO (or DARPA?) No rebuilds: Integrate legacy M&S ‘as is’ without significant recoding Don’t want another ADA or HLA situation Should be non-proprietary, open-source--like Linux, not Windows At least free for government use Need some configuration management process XMSF could be a critical enabler for both M&S and C4ISR integration Achieve many of the previously stated desired capabilities
DoD Transformation DOD Goal: Dominating Air, Sea and Land Battlespace C4ISR Integration one of SECDEF’s Top 5 Priorities SECAF and CSAF are committed to transforming USAF and achieving warfighting integration “The development and deployment of a truly modern and effective command, control, communication, and intelligence system is fundamental to the transformation of the US military forces…." Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld