SCIENTIFIC NAME FOR GOLDEN EAGLE The scientific name for the Golden Eagle is the Aquila Chrysaetos. The common name for my bird is the Golden Eagle.
SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE The Golden Eagle is stronger and larger then the Bald Eagle. The Golden Eagle is so strong it is rarely found in zoos. The Golden Eagle weighs kg. the height is 2 ½ -3 feet tall. The wingspan is up to 7 feet. Its under parts are dark brown. The head is golden brown.
WHAT MAKES A BIRD OF PREY A BIRD OF PREY What makes a bird of prey a bird of prey is that it catches its prey with its sharp deadly talons that are designed for ripping and/or piercing its prey. The bops have specially designed beaks and talons. They are very sharp.
GOLDEN EAGLES HABITAT The Golden Eagles habitat is the mid and high range of North America. It also ranges in Asia, Europe, and very little of Africa. The golden eagle migrates in late March or early April.
ENEMIES OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE The only enemy the Golden eagle has is man. People hunt the Golden Eagle for its feathers. People also think that the eagle eat its farm animals, but this is not true. The Golden Eagle is actually very nice, and only hunts when it needs to.
DDT In the 1940s-1950s ddt was used to stop pests from eating the crops. Ddt absorbed into the water and into the Golden Eagles diet and it would enter their system, make their eggs shell thinner and it would crack before the babies had time to hatch.
GOLDEN EAGLES YOUNG The Golden Eagle usually has 2-4 young and usually only 2 survive.