Reflecting on your A2 essay When writing your essays remember that 16 marks are for A02. A01- more detail needed when outlining the studies or explanations Don’t just describe studies, bring in terminology “support” “evidence” Elaborate on your A02.......SO WHAT DOES THIS SUGGEST! Why is this a problem for the explanation?? WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT!!!! Not 100% in MZ so other factors cause depression – explain why! Does not separate genes from the environment – explain!! Explain the problem that it takes 8-6 weeks to have an effect. Criticise sample- why is this a problem for the explanation? No introduction but you need a conclusion.
Why is this a problem for the explanation? Why does this Matter!!!? Task: Look over the feedback you have received from your essay. Look at the criteria that needs developing. Suggest at least two targets for your next essay. Use the criteria. Elaborate on the points that you made. This is indicated on your essay in red. What does this suggest? Why is this a problem for the explanation? Why does this Matter!!!?
Psychological explanations of depression Lesson outcomes: 1. Explain how the approach explains depression. 2. Evaluate the strengths and limitations of the psychodynamic explanation of depression.
Task In pairs discuss what you can remember/learnt about the psychodynamic approach ( how would Freud explain depression).
Psychodynamic approach A01 Depression is caused by loss of a loved one When loss is experienced, anger and sadness is experienced but it is turned inwards (introjection) as it is unacceptable (by super ego) to express it. This loss can also be symbolic loss (Negative life events may substitute for the loss of a loved one)
Psychodynamic approach A01 Freud ideas about the importance of childhood experiences and relationship with parents links in with the work of Bowlby (1973) -Bowlby states that the loss/separation of a mother in early childhood can result in severe depression in adult life. Hostile feelings towards parents that arise from lack of love or child abuse are redirected towards the self Repression of early traumatic experiences re- emerge in adulthood in the form of depression
Task :Psychodynamic model criticisms Complete the first box on the worksheet commenting on : Difficulty to test the psychodynamic approach Explain your strength/ weakness. Explain what the research suggests in relation to depression. Why does this matter!!!!