Developing Literacy Skills for A2 essay writing Context- Subcultural Theory of Crime
Lesson objectives ObjectivesContextSuccess criteria To review performance and identify targets for future writing Functionalist essay (review) and Subcultural Theories essay (write) Grade C Include a ‘range of points’ Explain points and avoid listing Give a range of criticisms Grade A Using key terms well and explaining clearly Illustrating points Evaluation is balanced Contrasting theories To develop understanding of PEELE model To develop writing structure and apply PEELE model
Self Review Go back over your answer and identify your targets to work on in your next piece of writing. You may wish to apply the following ‘success criteria’ to help with this.
‘success criteria’ Grade AGrade C Good clear structure with intro/body/ evaluation section/conclusion A good range of points included Concepts/points explained clearly Examples used to illustrate points A good range of evaluation points that are focused and used effectively Conclusion used to sum up the overall contribution of a theory Introduction that does not set the scene well Some points given but tend to be listed rather than explained Study presented – but not that detailed – scope to explore/discuss ideas more Limited/no examples used to support points A few evaluation points - may be listed rather than explained No conclusion
Top Tip: Structure Introduction ‘set the scene’ Body Evaluation/ analysis Conclusion Separate paragraphs on key points (using PEELE structure)
Developing AO2 Literacy Skills Evaluation -Challenge ideas -Strengths and weaknesses -Contrast views Application/Analysis/Synthesis -Relevancy -Focused points -Links -Evidence/illustration -Deconstruction of a debate Understanding/Explanation -Meaning Knowledge - Relevant concepts/studies etc D C C/B B/A
Mastering Skills in Sociology PEEEL is vital for displaying AO2 skills To present a solid case against chivalry thesis, you should : Aim to include a ‘range’ of points Use PEEEL format to structure a paragraph = point State the point = explain Give an explanation of the point = example Illustrate with examples/studies = evaluate Offer a criticism/disadvantage of factor = link Relate to the issue in the question
Mastering Skills in Sociology Using PEEEL to organise a paragraph Example of using the PEEEL model in your socialisation essay One point emphasised by Durkheim is the way that deviance can be functional for society. It can help to reinforce boundaries in society, for example, we need to be reminded of the extremes of evil like rape and murder. It also helps to test boundaries and help to cause social change, such as Nelson Mandela and his actions to end apartheid in South Africa. A further function is in how punishment unifies a community, this was shown in the case of the murder of Lee Rigby on the streets of London, people are joined in their anger and desire for justice. Another function is how it helps to single out individuals from wider society, those who maybe a risk to us. The functions of deviance can be highly beneficial and not just be a bad thing in society. However, Durkheim can be criticised as he ignores the impact of crime on victims –surely that cannot be positive. He also fails to explain where the laws come from in society and how benefit the powerful more. He also does not consider how the media may lead to copycat crimes. In sociology, PEEEL is probably best presented in the following order: Point – Explain – Example – Link - Evaluation
Apply the success criteria to the following paragraph (in pairs) 1.What would you grade it (and why)? 2.How could it be improved? Rewrite this paragraph to make it stronger
Mastering Skills in Sociology Using PEEEL to organise a paragraph Durkheim says that crime can have positive functions for society. One way is by reinforcing boundaries and supporting shared values in society. It also can test boundaries, as some crimes may be needed to make change happen in society. Another way is how the media can help to bring drama to punishment. Even in a society of saints crime would happen as it is inevitable and good. Durkheim can be criticised as he ignores the power in society, who controls biased laws and invisible crime. In sociology, PEEEL is probably best presented in the following order: Point – Explain – Example – Link - Evaluation
Planning the subcultural theory essay “Assess the usefulness of functionalist subcultural theory to an understanding of crime and deviance in society” (21 marks)
Study the following points that could be included in the essay Study the cards carefully Put them into an order for the essay Add the following where you can: - explanations - examples - evaluation points
Albert Cohen Status Frustration Focal Concerns Definition of subculture Advantages of subcultural theory disadvantages of subcultural theory Working class culture Failure at school Rebellion Source of status Explain links to Merton Cloward & Ohlin Illegitimate Opportunity Structures Career path Matza Juvenile delinquency Working class neighbourhoods Conclusion Challenge authority Group behaviour
Albert Cohen Status Frustration Focal Concerns Definition of subculture Advantages of subcultural theory disadvantages of subcultural theory Working class culture Failure at school Rebellion Source of status Explain links to Merton Cloward & Ohlin Illegitimate Opportunity Structures Career path Matza Juvenile delinquency Working class neighbourhoods Conclusion Miller Group behaviour
Plenary Using the 2 post its provided: Note any skills/knowledge that you have developed today Anything that you would like further help with to develop your writing style
Lesson objectives ObjectivesContextSuccess criteria To review performance and identify targets for future writing Functionalist essay (review) and Subcultural Theories essay (write) Grade C Include a ‘range of points’ Explain points and avoid listing Give a range of criticisms Grade A Using key terms well and explaining clearly Illustrating points Evaluation is balanced Contrasting theories To develop understanding of PEELE model To develop writing structure and apply PEELE model
Grade A/B target – contrasting theories How can the following be used to challenge or support Functionalist Subcultural theories? Labelling Theory Stress how the police are biased and patrol more working class areas. They note how the self- concept of people is affected when they are labelled and this can make deviance increase. They note how deviants form subcultures when rejected by society. Marxist Theory Note how crime is caused by capitalism. How it causes inequalities and greed which lead to deviance. They note how middle class and rich people commit crime but they tend to avoid getting detected. They also see the laws as biased and helping to control the working class. Ecological Theory Examine the links between geographic area and crime. They note the way that urban areas are linked to crime. They stress the importance of community for reducing crime by strengthening bonds that help to control behaviour.
Grade C target – getting the evaluation right Before your conclusion – set aside 2 paragraphs. One to cover the strengths of subcultural theory. Include at least 3 Use these concepts/ideas: status frustration, career, identity, mindless deviance One to cover weaknesses of subcultural theory. Include at least 3 Use these concepts/ideas: too deterministic, transient, middle class crime