The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst Short Story Unit Mrs. Demos 2008
About the Author James Hurst Born in 1922 Lived on a farm in North Carolina At one point he wanted to be an opera singer Become a banker and wrote stories
The Scarlet Ibis Short Story Exposition: Setting: a cotton farm in the deep south between 1912 and Characters: Narrator (Brother) and Doodle Mother and Father and Aunt Nicey Conflict: You tell me after you read the story.
What is a Scarlet Ibis? Range: Central America and North South America Habitat: Tropical Regions and Rainforests Diet: insects, fish, meat and fruits Not Endangered
Literary Terms Symbol: An object, a person, a place, or an experience that represents something else, usually something abstract. Theme: The main idea or message of a literary work. Stated Theme:expressed directly and explicitly Implied Theme: revealed gradually
Literary Terms continued Point of View: Relationship of the narrator to the story. First person point of view: narrator is a character in the story. Personal pronoun “I” Third person limited: narrator reveals the thoughts, feelings, and observations of only one character as “he” or “she” Third person omniscient: all knowing point of view. Narrator not a character in the story. Knows everything about the characters and events
Vocabulary 1.Careen (V): to tilt or sway while moving, as if out of control. 2.Serene (adj): calm, peaceful, and undisturbed 3.Infallibility (N): the state of being incapable of making an error 4.Blighted (adj): damaged or spoiled
Vocabulary 1.Doggedness (N): steady persistence; stubbornness 2.Reiterated (V): to say or do again; repeat 3.Precariously (adv): dangerously; insecurely
Think and Write Answer the following question. Have you ever wanted something very badly only to be disappointed when you got your wish? How did you react to the disappointment?