SDC I – Oct 02, 2007
ENERGY STAR Founded by the EPA in 1992 Identifies and Promotes energy-efficient products Computers were the first target New Standards took affect on July 20, 2007 Three primary targets for new standards Standby (off) Sleep Idle
ENERGY STAR Previous standard (version 3.0) only targeted Sleep Mode A basic computer could consume between 15 and 30 watts while in Sleep Mode New Standards Standby (off) Desktop <= 2.0W Laptop <= 1.0W Sleep Desktop <= 4.0 W Laptop <= 1.7 W Idle Desktop Category :ABC Laptop Category:AB
Climate Savers Computing Initiative The average desktop PC wastes nearly half of the power delivered to it Founded by Google and Intel Initiative promotes development and adoption of energy efficient technologies Targets Manufacturers Corporations Consumers Goal is to reduce global computer CO2 emissions by 54 million tons per year