Desktop Virtualization Joshua Bradfield Dan Bacus Data Center Solutions Manager Sr. Engineer
Company Confidential Managing the Desktop Compliance Licensing Data Protection Environmental Security Viruses Lost Hardware Theft Administration Patch Mgmt Deployment Asset Mgmt Expense Refresh Cycles Maintenance / Repair Replacement
Company Confidential The Roving Vulnerability In 2008 laptop sales will overtake desktops 36.3% to 35.3% - IDC
Company Confidential Mainframe Desktop Laptop Virtual Desktop History of Computing
Company Confidential The Driving Virtualization Trend Changing the data center Better utilization of new/existing assets Flexible, available architecture Shared resource pools to optimize data center performance # of servers virtualized Changing IT Deployment..Management..Mature Creating the virtual infrastructure Traditional Single Workload Low utilization 10-15% Virtualized Multiple Workloads Better Utilization 60-80%
Company Confidential Server Consolidation
Company Confidential Space Cost Watts Servers Savings from Virtualization ,750$96, ,845$9,1071 Try it yourself at
Company Confidential So what is “Desktop Virtualization?” Shared Desktop Most users per server No isolation among users Ex: Citrix Presentation Server (ICA) Microsoft Terminal Server (RDP) PC Blade Dedicated blade server (1:1 Mapping) Costly Ex: ClearCube, HP Virtual Desktop Multiple users per server (isolated) Versatile Ex: VMWare (RDP), Citrix, Sun Solaris & Sun VDI
Company Confidential Virtual Desktop Architecture Connection Broker (Desktop Management) Directory Services Thin Client Laptop Desktop Virtual Infrastructure Management Center Shared Storage Data Center
Company Confidential Opportunity Compliance Privacy & Protection, Data Protection, HIPAA Going Green Administration Streamlined & Simplified Management, SLA’s Quicker provisioning of new desktops Cost Longer refresh cycles (Less expensive hardware) Lower power & cooling costs Security Greater control over data and equipment Easier & Quicker to deploy security patches
Company Confidential Supporting the Green Initiative PCs & Monitors (40%) Printers LAN & Office Telecoms Mobile Telecoms Fixed-Line Telecoms Servers (including cooling) Source: Gartner CO2 Contributions by IT Devices
Company Confidential Supporting the Green Initiative Power Consumption Desktop = 120 watts Laptop = 90 watts Thin Client = 8 watts (3) 800 watts servers can run 1000 pc’s Power Consumption Desktop = 120 watts Laptop = 90 watts Thin Client = 8 watts (3) 800 watts servers can run 1000 pc’s Desktop Management 5% under desktop power management policies Desktop = 1-2 watts Laptop = less than 1 Desktop Management 5% under desktop power management policies Desktop = 1-2 watts Laptop = less than 1 E-Waste 2% of solid waste from IT equipment 1.63 Million Tons 12% recycled E-Waste 2% of solid waste from IT equipment 1.63 Million Tons 12% recycled 12 3
Company Confidential What is the ROI? Source: VMware Baseline Hours of Operation: 10 Desktop Growth Rate: 2% Estimated Desktop Cost: $1,199 Watts: 120 Current (As Is) 10 Hours a Day24 Hours a Day Desktop Capital Expenditures$428,102 Desktop Operating Expense$544,186 Desktop Power & Cooling$95,577$229,386 Total TCO (3 years) $1,067,865$1,201,674 TCO Avg Per Year, Per Desktop $1,017.01$1, With Desktop Virtualization Desktop Capital Expenditures $0 Desktop Operating Expense $255,545 Desktop Power & Cooling $70,374 Desktop Virtualization CapEx $278,742 Total TCO (3 years) $604,661 TCO Avg Per Year, Per Desktop $ Desktops Difference: TCO = $463,204 Avg = $441.14
Company Confidential A Case Study – Kane County, IL Problem: 2000 PC’s managed by 4 technicians Spread over 500 miles (2 hour drive time) Solution: Desktop virtualization Results: Eight-year refresh cycle on thin clients Mobile laptops connect with wireless cards Per-desktop hardware reduced to under $300 – a 70% reduction HIPAA compliant Simplified patch and upgrade management, including mobile police units Source: VMware
Company Confidential A Case Study – Denver Health Problem: Streamline worker login procedures Examine more patients, faster Cut time, effort, and PC costs Solution: Desktop Virtualization with SunRays Results: Reduced login time from 30 to 15 seconds Calculated potential energy savings of $130,000 Cut desktop setup time from 1 hour to 10 minutes 150 units deployed and only 1 trouble ticket in six months Source: Sun
Company Confidential In Summary: The benefits of implementing Desktop Virtualization: Cut time, effort, and PC costs Significantly improve data security Reduced login time from 30 to 15 seconds Significant potential energy savings. ex. 1 tenth the power consumption More efficient management, ex: Cut desktop setup time from 1 hour to 10 minutes, centralized Significant compliance improvements Improved SLAs internally and to your constituents. Source: Sun
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