Kick-Off Meeting of Priority 7 and Priority 8 Projects: Brussels, November New Modes of Governance Integrated Project September 2004 – August Prof. Helen Wallace, Co-ordinator Prof. Martin Rhodes, Scientific Director Ingo Linsenmann, Project Manager
Kick-Off Meeting of Priority 7 and Priority 8 Projects: Brussels, November NEWGOV – New Modes of Governance –An Integrated Project, combining 24 research projects and two transversal Tasks Forces –Involving more than 50 researchers, located at 36 different universities and institutes in 15 European countries –Funded by the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union –Links up with the Network of Excellence CONNEX –Coordinated by the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the EUI, Florence
Kick-Off Meeting of Priority 7 and Priority 8 Projects: Brussels, November The objectives of NEWGOV (I): –to produce a deeper conceptual, empirical and normative understanding of all aspects of governance within and beyond Europe, giving special attention to the emergence, execution, evaluation and evolution of new and innovative modes of governance –to contribute to the creation of a European Research Area in the social sciences and humanities
Kick-Off Meeting of Priority 7 and Priority 8 Projects: Brussels, November The objectives of NEWGOV (II): –to integrate the wealth of research ongoing in the field of democracy and multilevel governance undertaken by various research communities from different countries, regions and disciplines; –to provide a synthesis of theories of multilevel governance and their relations with theories of democracy; –to provide improved capacities for comparative analyses for different policy sectors and articulation of responsibilities in their governance.
Kick-Off Meeting of Priority 7 and Priority 8 Projects: Brussels, November The research questions: –the ways in which innovative mechanisms and practices relate to each other (both horizontally and vertically); –how they relate to ‘old methods’ of governance; –what are their implications both for the effectiveness and efficiency of policy making; as well as –their implications for the normative and democratic nature – accountability, participation and citizenship, and thus legitimacy – of the European Union’s political system.
Kick-Off Meeting of Priority 7 and Priority 8 Projects: Brussels, November The Structure Cluster 1 Emergence, Evolution & Evaluation 4 projects Cluster 2 Delegation, Hierarchy & Accountability 7 projects Cluster 3 Effectiveness, Capacity & Legitimacy 6 projects Cluster 4 Learning, Experimental Governance & Participation 7 projects Legal Task ForceDemocracy Task Force
Kick-Off Meeting of Priority 7 and Priority 8 Projects: Brussels, November Exploitation and Dissemination of NEWGOV Research Results –Web-site –Newsletters –Issues or Briefing Papers –Working Papers (with CONNEX) –Book series –Data bases –Workshops –Practitioner Forums –‘Summer’ Schools –Participation in International/European Conferences
Kick-Off Meeting of Priority 7 and Priority 8 Projects: Brussels, November Links between NEWGOV and CONNEX – Connecting Excellence on European Governance Summer Schools (coordinated by NEWGOV) Living Reviews (coordinated by CONNEX) Working Paper Series (coordinated by CONNEX) Cross-participation in activities Joint Web-portal on European Governance
Kick-Off Meeting of Priority 7 and Priority 8 Projects: Brussels, November Prof. Helen Wallace, Co-ordinator Prof. Martin Rhodes, Scientific Director Ingo Linsenmann, Project Manager Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies European University Institute Via delle Fontanelle, 19 I – San Domenico di Fiesole (FI) Phone: (EUI Switchboard) Fax: Contact