Big Lottery Fund: Building Better Opportunities (ESF Opt-In) Programme Development Phase Progress Event Thursday 2 nd April 2015 Radisson Blu Hotel, Liverpool.


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Presentation transcript:

Big Lottery Fund: Building Better Opportunities (ESF Opt-In) Programme Development Phase Progress Event Thursday 2 nd April 2015 Radisson Blu Hotel, Liverpool

Programme Development Phase: Purpose Ensure widespread awareness of Building Better Opportunities Inform VCSE orgs of requirements, risks & responsibilities Provide opportunity to discuss LEP priorities and local need Develop positive working relationships between organisations (lead to good quality applications) Named contacts: – VOLA: Stuart McGrory – LCVS: Colin Heaney – NFE: Andy Churchill

To date, we have… Raised awareness and consulted on competing priorities for BBO funding 5 events (Nov/Dec-14) Updates, website, etc. Commissioned research Regular liaison with LEP and BIG Lottery Fund Involvement with relevant LEP sub-groups and committees, etc.

Key achievements so far Engaged large number of organisations Consulted on local Social Inclusion priorities – 5 events: 113 organisations, 132 people Shared findings with LEP & Lottery to inform thinking/ decisions for BBO investment priorities Successfully lobbied LCR LEP to increase investment through the Big Lottery opt-in – Originally £1.66m (£1m ESF / £0.66m Lottery) – Now £4.16m (£2.5m ESF / £1.66 Lottery) Influenced wider ESIF investment priorities

Social Inclusion Priorities: Common Themes from Consultation 1.Intermediate Labour Market (ILM) models – i.e. funded (paid) jobs for priority groups 2.Digital inclusion 3.Financial inclusion 4.Health (in particular, mental health & those with acute and L-T, limiting conditions) 5.Enterprise (in particular, Social Ent.) 6.Volunteering as a pathway to employment

LCR’s BBO Investment Priorities 1.Financial Inclusion 2.Digital Inclusion Two separate specifications/ projects likely (rather than one larger project spanning both) However, possible/ likely that project proposals will need to be inter-linked % split £ (FI:DI) TBC

Other Priorities and where they fit PriorityIncluded in other ESIF investment portfolios / procurement routes ? ILMs Yes - open commissioning (need ‘match’) ‘Calls’ recently launched by DWP on Gov website – stage 1 deadline 22 nd May Definite opportunity for VCSE sector – collaboration required Health (mental health, L-T/ acute conditions) Yes – will form part of future procurement through DWP – launch date TBC Don’t need match VCSE sector opportunities likely – collaboration likely to be an advantage

Other Priorities and where they fit PriorityIncluded in other ESIF investment portfolios / procurement routes ? Social Enterprise Not explicitly SE – though lobbying ongoing Implicit in: 1.Current open calls (Enterprise Support for YP) 2.Future ERDF ‘enterprise’ calls Volunteering - as a pathway to employment Not explicitly included as specific investment priority – despite much lobbying Seen as a ‘how not a what’ Therefore forms part of specifications for a range of delivery, e.g. -Current open calls - targeted support to tackle L-T worklessness (adult) -FI/DI (BBO)

Financial Inclusion: Outline Spec. (from Big Lottery Fund website) Targeted FI activity focused on activities that aim to ensure residents become financial capable and have the confidence and skills needed to choose, access and use financial products and services suitable to their individual’s needs. Projects will ensure: Greater access to appropriate and affordable financial services and products. Increased skills and confidence to use financial products and services and will continue to apply these skills and confidence Provision engages those most in need Improving financial literacy Focus is on preventative measures to stop people getting into financial difficulties, as well addressing existing debt Intervention at a point that can make most impact and have a lasting difference Peer mentoring and volunteering opportunities.

Digital Inclusion: Outline Spec. (from Big Lottery Fund website) Targeted DI activity that is focused on activities that improve the skills and confidence, connectivity and accessibility to digital technology for unemployed and/or economically inactive residents. Projects will focus on:  Improving the skills, competence and confidence  Improving the access to digital technologies  Supporting with costs attached to accessing digital technologies  Motivating to develop basic online skills  Peer mentoring and volunteering opportunities

F.I./D.I. Research: Scope & Methodology Why are FI & DI important? – Inclusion – Economic growth & competitiveness Capturing local opinion and reflecting on what’s gone before Not re-inventing the wheel in terms of academic research! Desk-based, literature review Interviews with local stakeholders, including – CABs and advisory agencies – Housing Associations – Credit Unions – Local Authorities Note: Not linked to development of Lottery specifications. Rather a reference document to highlight local need, inform development of partnerships and local solutions.

Research: Initial Findings Increasing numbers of people at risk of financial exclusion – General labour market trends, self-emp, lower wages, 0 hr contracts. Benefits changes: big impact on both FI & DI Access to finance restricted: especially in poorer areas Tightening FCA regulation: opp & threat for local FI providers CUs offer an alternative but need high volume of depositors – Driving conglomeration, merger, etc. – positive & negatives CU drive towards technology – links to DI Micro-finance: limited impact compared to other countries – Need more? Either through CUs or other locally driven solutions Feed in your views – deadline 17 th April Kevin Peacock:

Building Better Opportunities Update Thursday 2 nd April 2015 Radisson Blu Hotel, Liverpool Next Steps & Timescales

Next steps/ timescales PDF phase (local) You Decide if you have a realistic role to play – If so, how? – Potential lead applicant or delivery partner? – Let us know! Us Keep people updated Complete research Facilitate development of local partnerships – DI / FI event 20 th May – joining instructions to follow – Capacity building

Building Better Opportunities: Main Programme Open, competitive process (EU competition rules) Potentially several leads/ applicants? But we advocate/ will support a coordinated approach (rather than a huge proliferation of competing bids) Remember, leads need: – Ability to manage large (£multi-million) partnership projects – Satisfy Lottery due diligence and ESF delivery requirements – Relevant track record – Capability of developing a cohesive, strategic, local approach, that meets local needs

BBO main programme: timescales LCR LEP is planning for 1 st round Opens early June-15 (8 th ?) Stage 1 submission – by end July-15 Development funding (£30-50k?) – support shortlisted stage 1 applicants to develop full applications. Stage 2 submission – Jan-16 Grant awards – March-16 Delivery – April-16 onwards Technical support and capacity building – National technical support contract – starts stage 1, continues through to project start-up (1 st, poss 2 nd claim)

Building Better Opportunities Update Thursday 2 nd April 2015 Radisson Blu Hotel, Liverpool Capacity Building

Capacity Building Partnership development Other activities TBC – Demand led – Accessible delivery methods – Limited resources! – Signposting to other support Further support from Lottery BBO Toolkit (available June) – Likely to be very specific support for applicants e.g. around ESF rules & evidence requirements – Our support needs to ‘fit’, not duplicate

Capacity Building Possible topics: Intro. to ESF requirements Risks and responsibilities Monitoring, reporting and audit requirements ESF cross-cutting themes (E&D, Sustainable Development & Health)   Preparation for due diligence/ PQQ criteria Impact Measurement & Quality Improvement Other ideas? – e.g. within Financial / Digital Inclusion To