Design Thinking Concepts Cindy Royal, Ph.D Associate Professor Texas State University School of Journalism and Mass Communication


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Presentation transcript:

Design Thinking Concepts Cindy Royal, Ph.D Associate Professor Texas State University School of Journalism and Mass Communication

What is Design Thinking? Design thinking can be described as a discipline that uses the designer’s sensibility and methods to match people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business strategy can convert into customer value and market opportunity. Converts need into demand Developed by IDEO, taught at the Stanford

Empathize Have an understanding of the people for whom you are designing, their problems, who they are and what is important to them. Observation Engage directly Uncover needs Identify right users Discover emotions that guide behaviors

Define Synthesize results of empathy phase into needs and insights, and scope a specific, meaningful challenge Develop an actionable problem statement, a point of view Use “How Might We…?” statements Frames the problem Inspires the team Reference for evaluating ideas Fuels brainstorming Revisit and reformulate as you go Guides innovation process

Ideate Generate radical alternatives – both a large quantity of ideas and a diversity of ideas Transition from identifying problems to creating solutions Step beyond the obvious Harness collective perspectives Separation of generating ideas and evaluating ideas Brainstorming without judgement

Prototype Getting ideas into the physical world Can be anything: Wall of post-its Role playing Object Interface Storyboard Allow people to interact, learn from those interactions Evaluate multiple options Fail quickly and cheaply

Test Gain feedback on solutions Refine solution Learn more about users Refine your PoV

Rules of Design Thinking No judgment. Question everything. Be curious. Find patterns. Listen. Really listen. More at: content/uploads/2013/10/METHODCARDS-v3- slim.pdf

Brainstorming Exercise How Might We… …reach college students with social media to educate them about the risks of hooking up while impaired? 1.Work in groups of 4 or 5. 2.Brainstorm individually for 10 minutes. Write down as many ideas as you can. 3.Go around the group, put post-its on wall. Say your idea, until all ideas are posted. 15 minutes 4.Each person vote for three best ideas. 5 minutes 5.Calculate top ideas. During lunch, discuss potential ways to execute these ideas. 6.Have a note taker. We’ll discuss in strategy presentations.