Organization Processes for TPP Session 3: Team Process
Session Design (3 hours) Welcome and Overview (5 min.) Insights from Assignment 1 (15min.) Calibration on Industry Teams(10min.) Overview of Key Team Process(20min.) Analysis of Key Team Processes in Context(60min.) Skill Module (30min.) Agreements on Policy Issues for Industry Clusters (30 min.)
Insights from Assignment 1 Assignment#1- Initial Industry Policy Analysis (25% of course grade) Assume you have been retained as an external industry analyst by a public-private stakeholder consortia in your industry sector. Draft a 1-2 page (single spaced) memo. This should provide an industry analysis identifying what you see as the top 2-3 technology and policy issues in this sector of the economy. For each of these policy issues list the major stakeholders and provide 1-2 paragraphs of analysis of the key organizational challenges that are associated with the issues. Provide any additional conclusions or comments as are appropriate. In class all of the people in given industry sector will have a chance to reach a full-group consensus on a single policy issues to be the main focus of subsequent analysis in the sector – which will require instructor approval.
Key Group Processes 1. Attending to Task Requirements 2. Attending to Maintenance Functions 3. Using Appropriate Decision-Making Processes 4. Facilitating Communications 5. Using Influence 6. Managing Conflict 7. Managing the Group Atmosphere 8. Managing Emotions
1.Task Functions Organizing to get the task accomplished Initiating Seeking information / opinions Providing information or opinions Clarifying Elaborating Summarizing Consensus Testing
1. Task Functions - Questions Do group members make suggestions as to best way to proceed? - Who does so? How frequently? Do members give or ask for information, feelings, feedback? How is the team kept on target? - Do some members emerge as “ task leader ” ? Are all ideas given adequate discussion before evaluation begins? Doest he group summarize what has been covered?
2. Maintenance Functions Holding the group together so that its members can continue to get along Harmonizing Compromising Gatekeeping Encouraging
2. Maintenance Functions - Question Are all members encouraged to enter into the discussion and made to fell part of the group? Are team members careful to reject ideas and not people? In what way? Are conflicts among members ignored or addressed in some way?
3. Decision-Marking Does the group follow the four key steps in decision – marking? - Identifying the problem, Analysis the proposing,Proposing and evaluating solutions, Implementing decisions Does one person make decision for everyone? - How many people actively participate in decision- making? Does the team vote and let majority rule? - Does the team strive for consensus? Does the team encourage minority opinions?
4. Communication Who are the most frequent communicators? What is the effect of their participation? Who are the least frequent communicators? - What is effect of their lack of participation? Are there shifts in participation/communication? - What causes this? Who talks to whom? Who responds to whom? Who triggers whom? How are “ silent ” and “ noisy ” members handled?
5. Influence How does the formal leader exert influence? - How strongly does he/she influence the group? Who has the most impact on the group ‘ s actions and decisions? Whose ideas are ignored? - What is the result?
5. Influence (cont.) What influence tactics are group members using? Rational persuasion Inspirational appeals Consultation Ingratiating Personal appeals Exchange / reciprocity Coalition tactics Pressure /intimidation Legitimating tactics Is there rivalry in the group? - What effect does it have?
6. Conflict How often do members disagree about the work to be done? To what extent are there arguments about how to do the task? To what extent do people in the group take arguments personally? How often do members get angry with one another? - How is that handled by the group? Are conflicts resolved or simply “ buried ” ?
7. Group Atmosphere Would you characterize the environment as: Supportive? - Empathy, Equality, Spontaneity, Problem Orientation Defensive? - Evaluation / judging, Control, Stratagems / “ games ”, Superiority, Dogmatism? Are people friendly and open or very formal with each other? Are people involved and interested? - Is there an atmosphere of work? Play? Competition?
8. Managing Emotions Is there an attempt to avoid or engage difficult emotional issues? - Are there “ hidden ” emotions beneath the surface enter actions? - Are there visible emotional outbursts? - Are emotions effectively surfaced, channeled and controlled? Is there evidence of disruptive emotional behaviors, including: - fighting and controlling - withdrawing - dependency (waiting passively) for a leader to emerge OR - counter dependency (opposing or resisting anyone in the group who represents authority)?
Team Processes: Summary Points Managing Generic Group Processes is Critical to Achieving a ” High Performance ” Team Requires Conscious Effect and Practice in Day-to-Day Group Interactions Skill Building Requires Clear, Honest Feedback Use the Tools!
Exhibit I