1 AutoCal AutoCal Mining your Inbox for Scheduling Gold CONCLUSION Elizabeth Godoy 9/15/05
2 Proposal Overview I. Introduction 1. Present problem in interesting & informative way. 2. Specify task and why it’s important. II. Background 1. Describe existing work that is relevant and/or useful. 2. Explain what role this work will play in research. III. Proposed Work 1. Breakdown task and offer approaches to research. 2. Anticipate challenges and present work plan. IV. Conclusion 1. Summarize key information… Sell the proposal!
3 Conclusion Structure Re-state project/task. Summarize basic research approach. Highlight importance of project/research. Sell project as significant & feasible AUP. Notes: -- No new information present. -- Last thing your reviewer will read.
4 Original Conclusion Good… Excited about work. Tries to sell AutoCal project as AUP. Not so good… No well-defined, clearly evident conclusion! Key ideas mentioned throughout proposal but no summary at end of document. End of proposal presents new information…reader left hanging.
5 Revised Conclusion 1)Re-state project/task. AutoCal: user-friendly tool a) sorts through b) clearly displays scheduling information 2)Summarize basic research approach. a) novel parser (grammar development) & presenter b) exploration of exisiting tools – Nitrobi, iCal format 3)Highlight importance of project/research. a) new approach to combining communications & scheduling b) highly useful consumer tool 4)Sell project as significant & feasible AUP. a) reference well-planned research approach & schedule b) project suitable in scope and content