Professionalism in the Workplace Denise Thornby RN, MS
Is it the role or the behavior?
Professions have a body of knowledge, scope of practice, agreed upon values, oath or code and accountability to our society for their profession and their professional behavior.
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Professionalism Describes a certain type of behavior in the workplace Based on our values and understanding of our professional roles Evidenced in our behavior
How professionalism is judged Against a set of expectations or standards From our own personal values set and understanding of what “professionalism” means May be situational in nature Strongly influenced by culture
Professionalism is in the eye of the beholder…
Professional is judged through: Our Image Our Communication Our Competence Our Demeanor
From the Patient’s Perspective Trustworthy Competent Empathetic Respectful Caring
Our relationships with patients: Therapeutic context Safety, trust and ethical behavior are foundational Relationship has boundaries Vulnerability of patients and the imbalance of power
Respectful of their: Needs Beliefs Concerns Values
Crossing Professional Boundaries Non-therapeutic relationships Inappropriate communication Inappropriate self-disclosure Exploitation – money, gifts Breaches of confidentiality
From the Co-Workers Perspective Trustworthy Competent Supportive Respectful Accountable
Professional Team
Expectations of Professional Team Members Functional Trust Mutual Respect Open Communication
Functional Trust All people have an equal need for respect Respect is the basic foundation of all healthy personal relationships Each team member is equally important Each team member’s work is equally important
Mutual respect All people have an equal need for respect Respect is the basic foundation of all healthy personal relationships Each team member is equally important Each team member’s work is equally important
Open Communication Team members talk to each other about issues directly All team members avoid the 3 B’s Supportive feedback is given generously Corrective feedback is helpful, tactful and constructive
Where Do I Start?
Qualities and Characteristics of a Professional
Competent Trustworthy Respectful Act with Integrity Considerate Empathetic Professionals are:
Courteous Dependable Cooperative Committed Professionals are:
Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. Og Mandino