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Presentation transcript:


Land and Hold Short Operations TITLE SLIDE Introduce the course topic. State learning objectives. 1

LAHSO ACCIDENTS & INCIDENTS C-421 VS. B-727 Midwest 4530 VS. American 130 Read from the guide

DEFINITIONS LAHSO is the practice of conducting simultaneous operations on two intersecting runways with: Two aircraft landing simultaneously; or one aircraft landing while another is taking off DEFINATION Present the information on the slide. What is LAHSO? LAHSO is an air traffic control procedure designed to increase airport capacity without compromising safety. Each LAHSO operation saves valuable time for each landing/take-off operation by using more than one runway at a time and by placing the aircraft closer to the destination ramp (FBO) by choosing the closest runway possible and there by reducing taxi time. 30 yrs. Ago, due to increases in air traffic, Simultaneous operations on intersecting runways was born. As traffic continued to increase, LAHSO was enacted in 1977 to facilitate higher traffic loads. 3

DEFINITIONS On April 11, 1997, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) expanded and replaced Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways (SOIR) with LAHSO. On February 8, 1999, the FAA, in coordination with industry, outlined changes in policy and procedures for conducting LAHSO. LAHSO IS used to increase airport capacity, maintain system efficiency, and enhance safety. DEFINITION LAHSO has expanded SOIR (Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways) so that a controller can not only hold short of an intersecting runway, but also taxiways while aircraft or vehicles cross, a point on the runway which would be to the advantage of better traffic flow such as a runway be repaired and using the ALD (Available Landing Distance) to land aircraft, or to hold short of a path which may routinely be a corridor for helicopter operations. LAHSO has recently undergone major restructuring in terminology, policies and proceedures. These are the primary benefits of LAHSO in today’s overcrowded airport environment.

DEFINITIONS A LAHSO clearance, once accepted, must be adhered to unless an amended clearance is obtained or an emergency occurs. A LAHSO clearance does not preclude a rejected landing. DEFINITIONS Present the information on the slide. The controller must issue the clearance in a timely manor, get the pilot flying the aircraft that is to hold short to acknowledge the clearance to hold short by repeating it back to confirm that he/she understands. The controller must also insure that the pilot flying the aircraft that is not restricted knows and understands the operation. “KNOW IT OR DECLINE IT”! (Preflight planning is the time to learn if it’s there Controllers need a full read back of all LAHSO clearances. Make it clear that PIC can always perform a rejected landing ANY TIME they feel the safety of the procedure has been compromised. 3

DEFINITIONS Hold Short Point A point on the runway beyond which a landing aircraft with a LAHSO clearance is not authorized to proceed. There can be only be one hold short point on the landing runway. DEFINITIONS Present the information on the slide.

DEFINITIONS Holding short of an intersecting runway Holding short of a taxiway Holding short of a predetermined point Holding short of an approach/departure flight path. DEFINITIONS Present the information on the slide. These four combinations will be explained on the upcoming slides.

DEFINITIONS Aircraft cleared to land using full length Aircraft cleared to land and hold short DEFINITIONS Present the information on the slide. The aircraft on the upper right has been cleared to land using the full length of its designated runway. The lower aircraft has been cleared to land but must stop prior to reaching the designated hold short markings on its designated runway.

DEFINITIONS Taxiing Aircraft Aircraft cleared to land and hold short Present the information on the slide. The upper aircraft has been given permission to taxi south bound on taxiway Bravo. The aircraft on the right has been cleared to land, but has been instructed to hold short of Bravo at the hold short markings.

DEFINITIONS Departing Aircraft Aircraft cleared to land and hold short Present the information on the slide. The upper aircraft has been cleared for takeoff and is departing Southwest. The lower aircraft has landed East bound and has been instructed to hold short of the departing aircraft’s flight path at the designated hold short markings.

DEFINITIONS Available Landing Distance (ALD) The portion of a runway available for landing and rollout for an aircraft cleared to Land and Hold Short. Measured from the landing threshold to the hold-short point. ATC is responsible for providing the ALD for each LAHSO via the ATIS and from the appropriate control tower when requested. DEFINITIONS Present the information on the slide. ATC will supply the ALD for every runway conducting hold short operations via the ATIS. If operating into a controlled field that does not have an ATIS, the tower will provide the appropriate information. Will LAHSO information be given VIA ASOS or AWOS? Why or why not? Ans….LAHSO conducted at towered airports only! ASOS/AWOS are only available at non-towered airports or after the tower closes and ATIS is turned off!

DEFINITIONS ALD Data is published in: The U.S. Terminal Procedures publications and The Special Notices section of the Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD). DEFINITIONS Present the information on the slide. Is it possible to determine LAHSO status at the destination during compliance with FAR part 91.103? What is covered in 91.103? Preflight action! Check the airport diagram ( 11-1 Jepp Charts ) Check the AFD An aid to situational awareness!

DEFINITIONS Dry Runway No visible moisture on the runway surface Inclusive of Standing Water Ice Snow Slush Frost in any form DEFINITIONS Present the information on the slide. A runway is considered contaminated whenever standing water, ice, snow, slush, frost in any form, heavy rubber deposits or other substances are present. These are the criteria for visable moisture as defined by the FAA.

DEFINITIONS Required Landing Distance (RLD) FAA approved AFM / POH distance over a 50 foot obstacle for the Configuration Environment Weight actually used for landing PLUS 1,000 FEET! DEFINITIONS Present the information on the slide. Actual Aircraft configuration! Pressure altitude and temperature! Landing weight after fuel consumed in flight! The FAA has found that by requiring an additional 1,000 feet to the Aircraft Flight Manual/Pilots Operating Handbook landing distance, the safety of LAHSO can be increased without adding any undue restrictions to the field access of general aviation aircraft.

PRE-FLIGHT PLANNING For all airports of intended landing, be familiar with information concerning: Runway lengths Published ALD Runway slope Published rejected landing procedures Which of the numerous LAHSO combinations at the airport can be complied with. DEFINITIONS Present the information on the slide. LAHSO planning must become part of your pre-flight actions and a pilot should be equipped with appropriate sectionals ( area charts if applicable ) instrument approach chart and Airport diagram. From AFD or Jepp 11-1 - Airport diagram From AFD or Jepp 11-1 - “ “ From AFD Approach plate Aircraft landing distance over 50 ft. as configured and under existing conditions

PRE-FLIGHT PLANNING MEL Requirements LAHSO is prohibited if the aircraft is subject to any minimum equipment list item that affects the stopping capability of the aircraft. These include but are not limited to: Autobrakes Antiskid Autospoilers Thrust Reversers DEFINITIONS Present the information on the slide. When conducting LAHSO, use all available devices at your disposal to stop the aircraft. If any devices that may be used to stop the aircraft are inoperative, you must plan to use the full length of the destination runway.

PRE-FLIGHT PLANNING Good pilot decision making is knowing in advance whether one can accept a LAHSO clearance if offered. DEFINITIONS Present the information on the slide. Do not wait until you are on final to decide if you can comply with a LAHSO clearance. So the question is, Can I comply with a LAHSO assignment? Know this answer before arrival at destination! ( Situational Awareness ) DEPARTURE: Plan your taxi route and runway in use, but be flexible, ask for progressive taxi instructions if you’re not sure. REVIEW GROUND FATALITY - ST. LOUIS pg. 9 of Ops. At Towered Airports. Use grease board to diagram runways & taxiways pertinent. Review “HOW THE PROS DO IT) PG. 10 - Ops. Twrd. Arpts. Many incidents result from runway incursions as opposed to the landing aircraft. Question; reviewed light gun signals lately? Keep a card in the cockpit?

INFLIGHT PLANNING Determine the capability for LAHSO as soon as possible after notification of LAHSO. Upon initial contact with the appropriate ATC facility, the PIC will advise ATC if the LAHSO clearance cannot be accepted. All LAHSO clearances must be read back in full to ATC. Do not accept a LAHSO if you have already descended below 1,000 feet AGL on final approach to the landing runway. DEFINITIONS Present the information on the slide. Obtain the current ATIS A.S.A.P. to check that the actual environment conditions agree with your preflight planning with respect to; VFR conditions, contaminated runway, wind shear, tail wind, etc.. If not, adjust your predetermined RLD so that you can advise the terminal controller on first contact. Coordination between crew members to verify receipt of a LAHSO clearance is a must. Do not let busy controllers illegally issue you a LAHSO on short final.

INFLIGHT PLANNING Runway Surface Land and Hold Short Operations will only be conducted on dry runways. Land and Hold Short Operations on wet runways is prohibited. DEFINITIONS Present the information on the slide. Although ATC may not conduct LAHSO under wet runway conditions, the PIC should visually ascertain the condition of the runway before touchdown.

INFLIGHT PLANNING Weather Minima A ceiling of no less than 1,000 feet and a visibility of no less than 3 statute miles is required for LAHSO. LAHSO is not authorized if wind-shear has been reported to ATC within the previous 20 minutes prior to the clearance being issued. LAHSO will not be conducted to any runway where there exists a 3 knot or greater tailwind. DEFINITIONS Present the information on the slide. LAHSO are to be conducted in VFR weather. The existence of windshear and the corresponding unstable approach will cause the actual RLD to increase substantially. The aircraft with the LAHSO clearance will typically land in crosswind conditions due to airport operating characteristics.

PIC AUTHORITY The PIC has the final authority to accept or decline any LAHSO clearance. The safety and operation of the aircraft remains the responsibility of the pilot. The PIC is expected to decline a LAHSO clearance if he/she determines it will compromise safety. PIC AUTHORITY Present the information on the slide. Stress the importance of this principle. Many aircraft have overrun their designated hold short point after receiving a LAHSO clearance . Not all aircrews are as well trained as yours or have aircraft as well maintained as yours. If it looks like it will be a tie at the intersection of the runways, you may want to consider a go-around.

COMPUTING RLD Aircraft certificated with <6,000 lb. payload and/or < 20 seats Required landing distance (RLD) equals total landing distance over a 50-foot obstacle + 1,000 feet. Available landing distance (ALD) must be equal to or greater than the required landing distance (RLD). COMPUTING RLD Present the information on the slide. The formula is pertinent to general aviation aircraft that have been certified with a maximum payload of less than 6.000 lbs. Or less than 20 seats. Think of the hold short points as the end of the runway!

COMPUTING RLD Exception: If AFM/POH does not publish landing data over a 50’ obstacle, the required landing distance (RLD) computation will be based upon the AFM/POH landing data for existing conditions plus 1,000 feet. COMPUTING RLD Present the information on the slide.

COMPUTING RLD If computing LAHSO data interferes with cockpit safety of flight duties, LAHSO shall not be accomplished and ATC shall be promptly advised. Required landing distances (RLD) for LAHSO must be readily available to the PIC. COMPUTING RLD Present the information on the slide. A busy cockpit is not the place to start your LAHSO planning. Predetermined distances should be available on easy accessible flip cards etc. ( 11-1 … airport diagram page ) If faced with this predicament, especially in a single pilot operation, it might be best to refuse a LAHSO clearance, even if it means a few more vectors to another runway.

APPROACH PHASE A stabilized approach must be established before descending below the following minimum altitudes: 500 feet above the airport elevation during VFR and during straight-in instrument approaches in VFR weather conditions Minimum descent altitude (MDA) or 500 feet above airport elevation, whichever is lower, if a circling maneuver is to be conducted after completing an instrument approach APPROACH PHASE Present the information on the slide. Stabilized approach concept. This concept is based on the pilot’s ability to maintain a stable speed, descent rate, vertical flight path and aircraft configuration during the final approach to the runway. This is necessary to assure aircraft landing landing performance corresponds with the computed RLD.

APPROACH PHASE Approach minimum altitudes (continued) 1,000 feet above the airport or touchdown zone elevation during any straight-in instrument approach in instrument flight conditions. 1,000 feet above the airport during contact approaches. APPROACH PHASE Present the information on the slide.

VISUAL AIDS Lighting Daytime LAHSO for general aviation aircraft does not require a LAHSO lighting configuration. Night LAHSO for general aviation aircraft currently does not require a LAHSO lighting configuration. After July 17, 2000, night LAHSO will require an approved LAHSO lighting configuration. VISUAL AIDS Present the information on the slide.

VISUAL AIDS FAA LAHSO Lighting Configuration: Five, six, or seven in-pavement, pulsing white lights at the LAHSO hold short point as currently installed at BOS, DFW, and IAD. Improved FAA LAHSO Lighting Configuration: A minimum of six in-pavement, continuously illuminated white lights at the LAHSO hold short point, and a minimum of six in-pavement, pulsing white lights at the alert point (1,000 feet /300 meters prior to the hold point). VISUAL AIDS Present the information on the slide. Proposed International LAHSO Lighting Configuration; A minimum of six in-pavement continuously illuminated red lights at the LAHSO hold short point, and two elevated, flashing red lights outboard of the runway edge and abeam the LAHSO hold short point and a minimum of six in-pavement white lights at the alert point ( 1,000 feet/300 meters prior to the hold point ).

VISUAL AIDS For in-pavement lighting, when two or more lights are out, the entire bar is out of service. When in-pavement lighting is out of service, any LAHSO requiring those lights shall be terminated. VISUAL AIDS Present the information on the slide.

VISUAL AIDS When LAHSO is in effect, mixed operations may occur on the LAHSO runway LAHSO runway may be used for full-length landings and departures When using a LAHSO runway for full-length takeoff or landing, if the hold short point lights are installed, they will be ON. VISUAL AIDS Present the information on the slide.

VISUAL AIDS Hold Short Position Marking. Hold-Short Position Signs. The painted runway marking located at the hold-short point on all LAHSO runways Hold-Short Position Signs. Red and white holding position signs located alongside the hold short point. LAHSO Lights. Six in pavement, pulsating white lights at the hold short point are currently installed at BOS, DFW AND IAD. VISUAL AIDS Present the information on the slide. Depicted as two rows of solid yellow lines and two rows of dashed yellow lines on the runway. Illuminated red signs on both sides of the runway; necessary for night and wet operations. Five, six, or seven pulsating white lights mounted in pavement; necessary for night operation.

VISUAL AIDS Runway Markings Hold Short Position Marking HS-1 HS-1 Hold Short Signs Direction of Landing VISUAL AIDS Present the information on the slide. Relate graphic to previous slides. Point out lighting configuration for LAHSO ( slide #29 - bullet #1 ). This is a six light flush runway configuration. Future LAHSO lighting systems may incorporate a warning bar of lights that alert a pilot at 1,000 feet prior to the hold short bar ( slide #29 - bullet #2 ). Red & white signs along side the runway adjacent to hold short point. Two rows of solid yellow lines and two rows of dashed yellow lines at marking the hold short point. LAHSO Lights

TOUCHDOWN It is essential that the airplane touch down in the first third of the available landing distance (ALD), but in no case greater than 3,000 feet down the runway, whichever is less. A rejected landing must be executed if above criteria is not assured. TOUCHDOWN Present the information on the slide.

REJECTED LANDING The PIC may elect to reject the landing due to: An emergency situation Unsafe condition on the runway, or The aircraft is not properly configured to complete a full stop within the ALD. REJECTED LANDING Present the information on the slide. The PIC may reject the landing for situations other than those listed. It is important that a go or stop decision be made and committed to.

REJECTED LANDING PROCEDURE A published, predetermined heading and/or altitude assignment to be used in the event of a rejected landing. Can be found in the Airport Facilities Directory (A/FD) or NOTAMs The standardized procedure is intended to provide protection against a conflict between aircraft where neither the pilot nor the controller are able to effectively do so. REJECTED LANDING PROCEEDURE Present the information on the slide. Can be found on the appropriate NOTAM if not published. Follow these proceedures unless directed otherwise by ATC.

REJECTED LANDING PROCEDURE Maintain safe separation from other aircraft or vehicles and promptly notify ATC A rejected landing must be initiated within the first third of the ALD, but in no case greater than 3,000 feet down the runway, whichever is less. REJECTED LANDING PROCEEDURE Present the information on the slide.

A FINAL REMINDER LAHSO procedures require both pilot and controller participation to balance the need for system efficiency and safety. Good flight crew preparation will help ensure successful LAHSO operations. PICs make the final decision regarding acceptance of a LAHSO clearance A FINAL REMINDER Present the information on the slide. Even if you have the long runway - if it’s a tie at the intersection think twice about your options. Make closing statements. Provide review topic questions at instructor’s discretion. Ask if there are any questions. 28

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