To achieve, you need thought. You have to know what you are doing and that's real power. Ayn Rand Ayn Rand
Workman’s Article What is Workman’s research Question(s)? What theoretical foundation does he use? Of what importance is Workman’s research? So what? Do you agree with Workman’s categories? Conclusions? What research ideas can we generate from this research project?
Qualitative vs Quantitative ResearchArtScience ResearcherEngaged / Involved Objective / Uninvolved Research GoalUnderstandingControl / Prediction Research Method InterpretationAnalytic FindingsGroup SpecificGeneralizable
Qualitative vs Quantitative God terms Insightful Stimulating, Engaging,Enlig htening, Thick description Reliable / Valid Methods Ethnography Participant Observation, Open- ended questions, Diaries, Interviews, Narrative Analysis, Focus Groups Surveys closed-ended questions.