HSE-LSA HSE procedure foresees a Launch Safety Agreement for all new project –this is since several year made systematically for all new projects. The LSA contains a list of checkpoint and documents that are needed form each service in order to allow assessment on safety by HSE. These documents will form the baseline for issuance of clearance for run. They are in the same time needed to ensure traceability and build-up of the safety file kept by the Project Officer (:A.Funken) A LSA was already established for the now-obsolete variant of the new tunnel and cavern dump, and it is now being updated by HSE ( a draft shown is being shown in minutes) We had a meeting on Monday at margin of this main project WG with A. Funken in order to start updating it.
Main contents of LSA all domains of safety, and all the phases (design, construction, commissioning) are concerned: Civil engineering, Lifting and handling equipment, Pressure equipment, HVAC equipment, Electricity, Fire Safety, Services (compressed air, water etc.) Training of the workers, Hot Works permits, Confined Spaces permits, Scaffolding, Noise, Asbestos, Protection of Environment, Worksite safety,etc.
For each discipline the LSA indicates: Reference codes for design, Calculation reports, drawings etc. needed to check compliance with the codes, Documents needed during construction and installation visit and inspections on place during commissioning