WHOLE BRAIN TEACHING 2 ND GRADE Cara Whitehead, NBCT John S. Jones Elementary School Rainbow City, AL
AGENDA What is Whole Brain Teaching (WBT)? Why do we use WBT? How do I get started with WBT?
WHAT IS WHOLE BRAIN TEACHING (WBT)? WBT is a learning technique that involves all areas of the brain by using orderly fun.
WHY USE WBT? “We know the behavior of challenging kids cannot be improved by heavier and heavier doses of punishment.” “We punish because we don’t know what else to do.” “Most challenging kids genuinely want to be part of the classroom environment; this is why they work so hard, and continually, to get everyone’s attention.” “If a student’s whole brain is involved in learning, there isn’t any mental area left over for challenging behavior.” “The longer we talk, the more students we lose.”
RESOURCES Biffle, C. (2013). Whole brain teaching for challenging kids (and the rest of your class, too!). Yucaipa, CA: Whole Brain Teaching LLC].