Welcome to 2 nd Grade Mrs. Erickson Ms. Woodman
Ms. Stephanie Woodman Has taught 2 nd Grade at OFE for 14 years! She will be teaching Math, Science, and Word Study.
Mrs. Hollie Erickson Has taught for 23 years. This is her 4 th year at OFE, and her third year in 2 nd Grade. She will be teaching Reading, Writing, and Social Studies.
Contact Information Stephanie Woodman Hollie Erickson WHEN ING PLEASE BOTH TEACHERS!!!
Curriculum Overview (What do we teach and why)
SOAR Folders Sent home every day. Please check folder every day and sign it. The SOAR folder is communication from school to home.
Homework Will be done weekly from Friday to Thursday. (same as SOAR Folder) Should take no longer than 20 minutes a night. Needs to be signed and returned on Thursdays. Students that complete homework on time will not receive a mark in their SOAR folder.
Absence Hot-Line Call whenever your child is absent. NO drop off before 7:30. Children who are dropped off before 7:30 will be unsupervised. NO student pick-up after 2:45. If there is a change in transportation there must be a note, , or phone call from the parent. For classroom purposes, such as field trips, we will only be accepting cash.
Lunch Lunch menus can be found on the district web-site. Lunch prices are found on the menu. August and September is in your packet. A parent may limit or block what their child purchases in the cafeteria by completing the form found in your packet. There is a forgotten lunch table for any lunches left at home.
Snacks Small snack Healthy snack Dry snack Clear water – No other liquids One snack
Electronic Devices There are no electronic devices allowed at the elementary level. If a student must have a phone to communicate with parents on their way to and from school, then it is to be turned off and left in their back pack.
A supply list can be found on the OFE web site. Party money is $10. Spirit shirts can be bought from PTA tonight and should be worn on Fridays. Every Early Release day will be a hat day. Bring $1 to school to wear a hat. The first day is this Friday!