Welcome to the 2nd Grade Open House Mrs. Howe Mrs. Carr Mrs. Mubaarak Ms. McGrath Mrs. Mejia Mrs. Horne
Curriculum Reading, Writing and Math: Common Core Standards Science and Social Studies: North Carolina Essential Standards
Whole Group Literacy Components Walls that Teach: Vocabulary: Academic and content vocabulary is important in the development of comprehension for mastery of content areas Fluency: Rate, Accuracy, Expression Comprehension: Understanding Writing: Opinion Writing, Narrative, & Informational; Incorporated into all content areas
Small Group Literacy Components Guided Reading Groups: Support and Enrichment, based on individual reading needs Literacy Centers: Review and reinforcement of previously taught literacy skills Word Study: Look at spelling patterns based on individual needs or Fundations.
Whole Group Math Components Fact Fluency: Students should be practicing addition facts at home as well as school. Vocabulary: Math Expressions and EOG, important for explaining their reasoning and problem solving process Whole Group Lesson: Teacher Directed to model new curriculum, Partner and Independent practice of skill for students
Small Group Math Components Guided Math Practice: Students work with teacher on skills needed Math Centers: Review and reinforcement of previously taught skills Math Talk: Students practice explaining and justifying their strategies using math terms
Science Weather Sound Properties of Matter Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Evolution and Genetics
Social Studies Communities and Government Maps and Natural Resources Timelines and Historical Figures Business and Money
Assessments mClass: Individual assessments of reading fluency, oral comprehension and written comprehension, and word recognition Benchmarks: Assessing 3 times a year, a comprehensive evaluation of second grade skills in Reading and Math Spelling Inventory: Indicates phonics mastering and needs (Word Study Data) Formative Assessments created by teachers
Grading Policy Second grade progress reports and report cards will come home each quarter. K – 2 uses the following grading scale: S: Satisfactory work (Consistently performs at grade level) N: Needs improvement (Performing below grade level) U: Unsatisfactory (Performing far below grade level)
At Home Read every night for 20 min. Read with your child and ask questions specific about the book Avoid: “Tell me about what you read.” Ask: For specific details (main character, character traits, main idea, connections to self, world, and other texts, sequence of events, author’s purpose, how did the author organize text structure) Refer to handout Practice math facts daily: computer games, flashcards, parent quiz Ask your child to explain their math problems using math vocabulary taught in class, they should be able to justify their thinking Use everyday math: Read recipes, do crafts, use coupons, driving distances, telling time, counting money, sports statistics Talk to your child about what they are learning and doing each day. Do not accept, “I don’t know”, or “Nothing”, or “We went to lunch and PE”.
Staying Informed Please check your child’s OTIS each night – behavior, homework, and important information ??????????????