2010 Workplan, Budget and Activity Reports Project Implementation Review Workshop and the second Steering Committee Meeting of the UNEP/GEF Project “Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions” ( FNR_Rio ) January 2011, Port Louis – Mauritius Asghar M. FAZEL Global Project Coordinator
Component 1: Situational Analysis and Reporting Process Design UNEP Line Output Activity ResourcesQ1Q2Q3Q4 Output 1.1: Inventory and analysis report of reporting requirements 1101 Project coordination support at national level support to NPCs (one in each country) xx 1202 International support for situation analysis, report design Study by IC xx 1102 Project technical and administrative support at national level support to NPAs (one in each country) xx Output 1.2: National-level analyses and recommendations for data management national studies, incl. country-specific recommendations Studies by NCs (one in each country) x 3301 Project Inception meeting/workshop and Stakeholder input meeting (budgeted with the 1st TWG) budgeted with the Project Inception Workshop + 6 national workshops (one in each country) x 1202 Output 1.3: Manual produced on piloting integrated reporting Synthesis of outputs and development of global recommendations and supporting national manual development IC (technical support to the NCs and NPCs) xx 1201 Develop 6 national manuals on integrated reporting in pilot countries Developing National Manuals by NCs (under technical supervision of the IC) x 5201 Preparation and dissemination of the 6 National Manuals Printing 1103 Project coordination support at international level GPC xx 5301 Communications & postage Communications (global level only) xx 2
Component 2: Implementation UNEP Line Output Activity ResourcesQ1Q2Q3Q Output 2.1: Strengthened institutional frameworks for reporting Develop and implement country-specific implementations of global recommendations Studies by NCs (one in each country) xx 1204 Compile feedback and evaluate for each country IC 1206 Project technical and administrative support at national level support to NPAs (one in each country) xx 1208 Output 2.2: Strengthened national systems for monitoring, reporting country-specific implementations support to NCs (one in each country) 1207 Project coordination support at international level GPC xxx 1204 Compile feedback and evaluate for each country and national training specific needs reviewed IC xx 1601 GPC field visits GPC Travel and subsistence xxx 1203 Output 2.3: Enhanced capacity for data collection and analysis Needs analysis & approach developed for each country (training and technology) NCs xx 4201 Technology (see indicative amount in table 16 of the PRODOC. To be determined by Needs analysis & approach) Technology xx 3201 Training delivered (see indicative list in table 7 of the PRODOC. To be determined by Needs analysis & approach) 6 national training workshops (one in each country) xx 1205 Project coordination support at national level support to NPCs (one in each country) xx 1203 Output 2.4: Reporting quality assessed Reports for each country on the quality of reporting to each convention NCs 1204 Global synthesis of pilot country experience IC 5201 Preparation and dissemination of the 6 national reports Printing 5203 Internet presence & communication Internet (global level only) xx 3
Component 3: Sharing of Experience and Upscaling UNEP Line Output Activity ResourcesQ1Q2Q3Q Output 3.1: Technical Working Group meetings Project technical and administrative support at national level support to NPAs (one in each country) 3301 Project Inception workshop + 1st Steering Committee meeting (3-4 days in total) + National meetings (TWG, Inception, NSC) the Project Inception and PSC meetings+ National Inception, TWG and NSC meetings xx 1205 Project coordination support at national level support to NPCs (one in each country) xx nd PSC (2-3 days), PSC meeting rd PSC (2-3 days), PSC meeting 1207 Project coordination support at international level GPC xx Output 3.2: International events to share experience 5202 Preparation and dissemination of the project reports Printing Rio Conventions side-events International meetings (workshops, side events) xx 5203 Internet presence & communication Internet (global level only) xx 4
Administration (management and financial) Global Secretariat set-up (GPC and IC) Appointment of 6 NCs and 6 NPAs Drafting 2010 workplan and budget Project Inception Workshop and 1 st PSC (9-11 Feb 2010) Financial planning and management (SSFA) Financial transactions (DGEF > WCMC > NEA/UNDP) Recruitment of 6 NCs Submitting quarterly and half-year reports 5
Administration (meetings/missions) Organising/attending several events (NO cost to Project): Trondheim, Conference, Feb, Trondheim Nordic Symposium on Synergies, Apr, Helsinki SBSTTA/14, May, Nairobi CBD Regional workshop on Reporting, Jun, Budapest CBD/COP, Oct, Nagoya (cancelled) GPC travel to Asmara 6
Administration (communications) Keeping open lines of communications (24/7) Organising several remote meetings (tel/Skype) maintenance and updating on-line services: Host, nameservers, mirrors, updates Website: Document Area: E-Group: Polls: Meetings and missions reports Technical reports (by Peter) 7
Project Budget (US$) Component GEF 2010 GEF 2011 GEF 2012 GEF totalCo-financingTotal C153, ,00086,500117,600213,700 C2188,800185,50093,200467,500415,000900,400 C3107,50099,00044,500251,000268,280491,780 M&E012,00023,00035,0000 Total349,300320,000170,700840, ,8801,640,880 8
2010 Project Expenditure (US$) Q1 2010Q2 2010Q3 2010Q Total 1199 NPCs, NPAs and GPC Sub Total $1,608.43$6,551.09$8,247.64$6, $22, NCs and IC Sub Total $21,747.43$27,565.75$36,396.05$35, $120, National Training Sub Total $0.00$6,392.80$8,878.69$0.00 $15, Meetings Sub Total $7,389.21$41,816.33$8,952.52$0.00 $58, Equipment Sub Total $0.00$6,392.80$8,878.69$0.00 $15, Miscellaneous /Internet/ Sub Total $4,021.07$0.00 $7, $11, Communications & postage Sub Total $9.59$100.75$0.00 $ Costed monitoring & Evaluation $ $0.00 Total (by WCMC and 4 countries) $34,882.14$89,814.72$72,366.46$54, $251, Afghanistan & Eritrea (by UNEP/DGEF > UNDP) $59, Palau & Eritrea (2 nd instalments to be paid?) $ 24,134,00 TOTAL $335, Budget 349, Balance $13,
Thank You