Slow Flight Chris Evans
What is slow flight? Slow flight is a maneuver that demonstrates the flight characteristics and degree of controllability of the airplane at its minimum flying speed. By definition, the term “flight at minimum controllable airspeed” means a speed at which and further increase in angle of attack, load factor, or reduction in power will cause an immediate stall.
Anticipatory Set Slow flight is important to learn because you will be flying at slower airspeeds when you are in the traffic pattern and closer to the ground. A student will be able to fly the airplane at these speeds in a safe manor. If a student does not learn this, it could be dangerous to the pilots and the people on the ground.
ILO The students will be able to enter the maneuver correctly and demonstrate that they are proficient at flying the aircraft during this phase of flight.
Setting up the Maneuver Step 1: Clearing turns: Clear the area for other traffic, obstacles, and a possible emergency field to land on. Step 2: Radio calls: Let others who are in the practice area know who you are, where you are, how high, and what you are doing.
Step 3: GUMPPP Pre-Maneuver Checklist: GUMPPP G: Gas, Check it is on the proper tank. U: Undercarriage, for slow flight dirty it will be down. Slow flight clean, it will be up. M: Mixture is rich. P: Pumps. Make sure fuel pump is on. P: Prop. Make sure the prop is full forward. P: Power. Reduce.
Starting the Maneuver Step 4: Reduce power to 15 inches of manifold pressure. Start to pitch back. Step 5: Below 129 knots drop gear. Below 103 start dropping the flaps. Use necessary power to hold altitude. (Usually right around 20 inches of manifold pressure)
Slow Flight Step 6: Announce stall warning horn. Maintain heading assigned by instructor. The student should be accomplish straight and level flight, turns, climbs, and descents with landing gear and flap configurations specified by the examiner. (PTS)
Coaching Demonstrate the maneuver in the airplane for the student the first time. Or, Walk through the maneuver with the student and have him or her actually do the procedures.
Probing Questions What is the definition of slow flight? Flight at minimal controllable airspeed. When are we flying slower? In the traffic pattern. Who is in danger if done incorrectly? Pilots and people on the ground.
Closing The student should be able to demonstrate slow flight when the instructor or examiner asks them to.
Assessment The instructor will see if the student can perform the maneuver with out any assistance from the instructor. If the student needs help, then the instructor will intervene.