I’m glad to see you today! Warm Up: PURRR Pumas Unite and Read Read Read – Level 0 Voices Today’s Agenda: Warm Up: PURRR time Narrative Poetry – Bio Poem.


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Presentation transcript:

I’m glad to see you today! Warm Up: PURRR Pumas Unite and Read Read Read – Level 0 Voices Today’s Agenda: Warm Up: PURRR time Narrative Poetry – Bio Poem (Due today!) Getting to Know You Grid – Postponed until next week! Homework: Read minutes. Pre-AP Language Arts: Don’t forget to work on your summer reading project for extra credit. Final Due Date September 13!

Bio Poem 1. First name 2. Four adjectives that describe you 3. Son/Daughter/Brother/Sister of____ 4. Who loves (three different things that you love) 5. Who feels (three different feelings and when or where you felt them) 6. Who gives (three different things you give to others) 7. Who fears (three different fears you have) 8. Who would like to see (three different things you would like to see) 9. Who enjoys (three different things you enjoy) 10. Last name

Mrs. shy, friendly, confident, understanding mother of Beau Maddox Schreiber who loves snuggling with my baby, spending time with husband and son, and spending time with our dog and cat who feels excited to be teaching middle school again, anxious to see Beau in the afternoons, and joyful about family time coming up this weekend who gives help in times of need, book recommendations for those who need them, and a push when students are ready for something more challenging who fears swimming in the ocean, speaking in front of large audiences, and not being prepared for emergencies who would like to see the pyramids in Egypt, the Golden Gate Bridge, and a time when everyone in the world can get along who enjoys reading, cooking, and watching reality television Schreiber

Warm Up: PURRR Pumas Unite and Read Read Read – Level 0 Voices Hello and Welcome Back! Today’s Agenda: Warm Up: PURRR time Dialectic Journal (set up if we didn’t get there yesterday) and practice using it Narrative Poetry – introduction Begin Getting to Know You Grid Homework: Read minutes and respond in your dialectic journal. Journal entries are due Friday. Pre-AP Language Arts: Don’t forget to work on your summer reading project! (Bonus credit if the project is turned in by Friday!)

Good Morning and Welcome Back! Today’s Agenda: Visit the library to check out books. PURRR time Set up journals Work on “Getting to Know You” project. Warm Up: As a group, generate as many unique answers to the following question. Write your answers on a piece of notebook paper. Sleeping Beauty awakes from her slumber. What manufacturers want her to be their new spokesperson?