Student Introductions
Point Value Reminder The written article is worth 100 points The oral introduction is worth 80 points
You Will Be Introducing Your Partner Be certain you have a printed copy of your Newspaper Article about your partner You will read the introduction from that paper
Choose who goes first Decide who is the first presenter and who will be introduced first
Introduce the person you interviewed Use the article you wrote about that person
Stand up Both presenter and person being introduced Stand at your work station State your own name (so the teacher can give you your credit)
Point to the person you are introducing (example) Read your article to the class Lead applause when you are done (example)
Switch Roles
Tips We are all here to support you Speak up so we can hear you Include your entire article
Bonus 1 st introductions 50 Extra Credit points 2 nd introductions 25 Extra Credit points 3 rd introductions 15 Extra Credit points