Objective of the session:- Audit of PLA: This session deals with audit processes and procedures of PLA with reference to the roles played by compiled authority. Proper watch for submission of various returns : Audit section should maintain: Register to watch the receipt of plus and minus memoranda from the Treasuries. Register to watch the receipt of monthly account from the Administrator of PLA. Register to watch the annual certification of balances.
Register to be submitted to branch officer - Quarterly to Group officer. Proper watch to be made for receipt of returns accounts. Non submission of supporting documents – a cause for fraud?
Audit to ensure:- Receipt of voucher/supporting documents in AG office. Audit of voucher should be done properly. Audit observations to be communicated to administrator. Discrepancies between balances to be reconciled. Serious irregularities noticed and returns to be brought to the notice of controlling officers. Action to get the timely submission of compiled accounts to Treasury Officer. Technical audit section to review all PLA accounts in 6 months period. Result of review to be communicated to TM.2 section - Jan and July to AG.
Local Audit: Audit sections to give details of PLA to OAD Headquarters. Special points require proper scrutiny to be sent to local audit party. Local Audit (LAP) To do through examination – expenditure/receipt. Proforma accounts prepared by administrator to be checked
All receipts cannot be deposited in PLA: Revenue realized should be credited to Revenue Receipt Account. AG/Pay & Accounts officers, CCA, however, can lay down conditions about type or receipt which can be credited to PLA. Generally no objection to credit non government money to PLA. Tax imposed by laws should go to Revenue Receipt Account. No refunds/Pay & Allowances/Pension/promissory notes can be credited to PLA.