ASSESSING EMERGING DRUG TRENDS A study of drug use among male juvenile offenders in St. Lucia October 2004
JUSTIFICATION Study sought to examine the relationship between drug exposure and the institutionalization of juveniles at the Boys’ Training Centre.
OBJECTIVES Primary Objective: Explore drug use & its related problems amongst the population Secondary Objective: Provision of institutional support through the provision of base-line data to inform intervention programmes
INSTITUTIONAL OVERVIEW The Boys’ Training Centre is state funded facility Lone residential facility for male juvenile delinquents Most residents have had conflicts with the law & been exposed to the court system Houses a maximum of 30 wards
POPULATION UNDER STUDY Male juvenile offenders between 12 & 17 years Committed offences ranging from truancy to murder; some placed for care & protection Offenders tend to be socially dysfunctional Behavioural dysfunctions: Conduct Disorder, Depression, ADHD Low levels of literacy & limited formal education Exposure/involvement with illegal substances
METHODODLOGY Qualitative Data collection: A Focus Group Interview with the wards In-depth Interviews Key Informant Interviews: Treatment and Rehabilitation, Police and Justice, Prevention Services
DATA COLLECTED The specific focus of the study of the wards of the Centre was on their perception and attitudes to: Drug use & abuse Determine usefulness of the formal education system Role and function of the Community Social Structures & Organizations Recommendations for drug demand reduction
FINDINGS A direct association was established between drug exposure and the placement of the boys at the Centre Drug of choice amongst the Boys as well as persons within their immediate social grouping was marijuana Marijuana was seen as a means of problem solving, a recreational activity and source of economic security Limited scope of choices contributed to drug involvement
FINDINGS (cont’d) Marijuana use seen as a rite of passage & factor determining manhood Existence of a social environment tolerant/accepting of use Myths & misconceptions endorsing marijuana usage Limited scope of intervention efforts
RECOMMENDATIONS Holistic Approach to Drug Education & Prevention: problem management, public health awareness, development of personal & civic responsibility, etc. Collaboration & Networking: harness the professional capacity of a range of professionals Creation of an enabling environment Programme Relevance: sensitivity to the youth variable Coordinated Training: for persons engaged in the range of areas addressing drug use/abuse