Mr. DeZilva LAD: Resurrection
Life After Death in Physical Form: Resurrection The concept of a living being coming back to life after death A belief in the resurrection of individual souls The soul is believed to be divine and capable of resurrection
Resurrection in Judaism There will be a resurrection from the dead at a time of God’s choosing Early Judaism felt that there was no real notion of life after death because to have a soul meant to be animated with life God breathes life into Adam with “the breath of life” (Genesis – Creation story) However, in the apocalyptic Book of Daniel, there is a prophecy about the end of time that clearly speaks of the dead resurrecting to “everlasting life”
Judaism continued Maimonides (12 th century Jewish Philosopher) Supported via negativa in terms of conveying an understanding of God Resurrection was one of his 13 principles of the Jewish faith “With perfect faith, there will be the resurrection of the dead” meaning, remaining faithful and obedient, even in times where your livelihood was at stake. There is both a literal understanding of bodies rising from the dead, and a spiritual resurrection
Resurrection in Islam Belief in life after death (al-akhirah) is essential One’s early life is a testing ground, or form of preparation for the afterlife This comes from the authoritative word of Allah, that is transcribed in the Qu’ran Life after death gives proof (for Muslims) that God is a God of perfect justice, and gives purpose to life. Life for one is faced with difficulties and challenges and they must be tackled in accordance with Muslim Teachings – this is known as jihad
Islam continued When the body dies, the soul continues on to be judged by Allah At the Day of Judgement, the earth will be destroyed, people will be resurrected (starting with the Prophet Mohammad ) and called to account Those who have lived a morally good life will god to Heaven (a garden of paradise). Morally Bad goes to Hell
Resurrection in Christianity People just have one life here on earth, and after death they will be resurrected. This is evident through Jesus’ resurrection Jesus was crucified on a cross and was buried in a tomb – however, he resurrected in a physical form (“walking around”) Jesus ascended into Heaven and resurrected. He continued to live on in a spiritual form “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life” (Matthew 25:46) There will be some kind of judgment after death Lazarus and the Rich Man example The Rich man is concerned with material possessions, while Lazarus has lived a loyal and caring life. The Rich man is punished while Lazarus is united with Abraham in Heaven.
Criticisms of Resurrection Peter Cole suggests that life after death must happen in some kind of space, since bodies take up room Where will the physical existence be? Heaven must be a physical/material place Heaven would require physical needs and have physical conditions; i.e. our bodies will further age What about people who have bodily imperfections and suffer pain as a result of it? The significance of the soul is taken away because of the necessity of the body’s existence; places questions on the physical nature of the human body, not soul
Heaven and Hell Concepts that are mainly accepted with Christianity, Islam, and to some extent Judaism Bernard Williams: is an eternity in Heaven really desirable (could it not become boring?) Part of what makes our current life so pleasurable is making decisions within a limited time-frame However, is Heaven is ultimate happiness, then surely boredom would not exist We would be incapable of suffering and sadness Therefore, can a Hell exist is a loving God exists? Perhaps the eternal punishment might, in the end, be the same as eternal pleasure?