Module 3 Putting it all together Land Navigation Module 3 Putting it all together
Instructors SSG Chad Wilson SSG Richard Schilling
Class Objectives Determine Azimuth on the Map using a Military Protractor Find your Location on the Ground using Resection Determine a Movement route using a map
Determine Azimuth on a Map Using a Military Protractor Outer set of Numbers = MILS (not used) Inner set of Numbers = Degrees Reference Lines Center point
Determine Azimuth on a Map Using a Military Protractor Place Center Point on your Start Point Using Reference Lines and Grid Lines Align Protractor in a good North South Orientation Find Azimuth on Inner Ring of Numbers Place Small Mark on map at Degree Using protractor as straight Edge draw line between Start Point and the Mark you Made This is Your Azimuth line.
Determine your Location on the Ground Using Resection Define Resection -Resection is the method of locating one's position on a map by determining the grid azimuth to at least two well-defined locations that can be pinpointed on the map. For greater accuracy, the desired method of resection would be to use three or more well-defined locations.
Determine your Location on the Ground Using Resection Orient the map using the compass. Identify two or three known distant locations on the ground and mark them on the map. Measure the magnetic azimuth to one of the known positions from your location using a compass. Convert the magnetic azimuth to a grid azimuth. Convert the grid azimuth to a back azimuth. Using a protractor, draw a line for the back azimuth on the map from the known position back toward your unknown position. Repeat 3, 4, and 5 for a second position and a third position, if desired. The intersection of the lines is your location. Determine the grid coordinates to the desired accuracy.
Determine your Location on the Ground Using Resection
Determine a Movement Route using a Map Shortest Route (straight Line) Most Tactical Route (Stealth) Safest Route
Determine a Movement Route using a Map Shortest Route Find an Azimuth and Go Terrain? Time of Day?
Determine a Movement Route using a Map Most Tactical Wont be Seen By Enemy Use the terrain Stay away from heavily traveled areas i.e. roads, trails. Not necessarily quickest or safest
Determine a Movement Route using a Map Safest Route usually the easiest Pay careful attention to terrain Stick to improved roads and good trails Defiantly not the shortest or most Tactical Maybe the quickest
Determine a Movement Route using a Map Find your Waypoints What is a waypoint -A waypoint is a reference point in physical space used for purposes of navigation. Use waypoints when you are changing direction or to verify your azimuth
Determine a Movement Route using a Map Determine Azimuth and Distance Between Waypoints ***If Traveling By Road Waypoints are only needed when changing Roads***