1 ICP-Africa Progress Report Michel Mouyelo-Katoula.


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Presentation transcript:

1 ICP-Africa Progress Report Michel Mouyelo-Katoula

2 The African Development Fund approved on September 8, 2004 to provide grant resources of about US $ million to support the implementation of ICP-Africa activities over the next 3-year period, ADB’s Support

3 Million US $ A1. Regional Program Management and Coordination A2.Sub-regional Management and Coordination of Field Activities4.36 B.ICP Related Price Statistics14.12 C.ICP Focused National Accounts Activities2.25 D.Enhancement of ICP Related Basic Data1.26 E.ICP Training Through Statistical Training Institutes1.60 Program total costs34.54 ICP-Africa Budget

4 Regional Coordination and Management : ICP Unit, PDRE-2, ADB Methodologi es Capacity Building Data Analysis PublicationsField Work Operations AFRIST AT COME SA ECOW AS SADC Selected RMCs A Selected RMCs B Selected RMCs C Selected RMCs D Other RMCs Coordination Chart

5 Groups of countries AFRISTATCOMESAECOWASSADCADB 1.Benin 2.Burkina Faso 3.Cameroon 4.Cape Verde 5.Central African Republic 6.Chad 7.Comoros 8.Congo (Brazzaville) 9.Congo (RDC) 10.Côte d'Ivoire 11.Equatorial Guinea 12.Gabon 13.Guinea Bissau 14.Guinea Conakry 15.Mali 16.Mauritania 17.Niger 18.Sao Tome 19.Togo 20.Senegal 1.Burundi 2.Djibouti 3.Egypt 4.Eritrea 5.Ethiopia 6.Kenya 7.Madagascar 8.Rwanda 9.Sudan 10.Uganda 1.Gambia 2.Ghana 3.Liberia 4.Nigeria 5.Sierra Leone 1.Angola 2.Botswana 3.Lesotho 4.Malawi 5.Mauritius 6.Mozambique 7.Namibia 8.South Africa 9.Swaziland 10.Tanzania 11.The Seychelles 12.Zambia 13.Zanzibar 14.Zimbabwe 1.Algeria 2.Libya 3.Morocco 4.Tunisia

6 Categories of Countries

7 FOURTH REGIONAL SEMINAR Tunis, September 20-24, 2004 Training on the ICP ToolPack Meeting of National Coordinators

8 Agenda of the meeting Development of Survey Framework The role of supervisors Training of enumerators Second Group of Household Items Third Group of Household Items Contractual and financial arrangements

9 List of Specifications The complete list for consumption goods and services have been finalized Translated into French and uploaded directly to the Tool Pack for distribution to the countries. Transferred to the SPD software.

10 Resource transfer to countries Training on the general principles of resource management was provided to National Coordinators in Windhoek, Namibia, from October 13-15, National Coordinators, Deputy Coordinators and their Administrative staff trained December 3-17 in South Africa. Directors Generals of National Statistics Offices also trained (Yaoundé, Cameroon, April 26-May 4, 2004). Resource transfer mechanism discussed with Heads of NSOs and Sub-regional agencies. Arrangements being made for transfer no later than November.

11 ICP Tool Pack Countries have gone through one-day demonstration in Cameroon; 12 Consultants/National ICP staff and 4 AfDB staff: "train-the-trainers“; Workshop organized September (20-24) in Tunis; A team of experts will train at 4 sub-regional organizations; Period of October/November to train sub-regional and national ICP staff; 3 to 5 days per training site (at sub-regional and/or national level).

12 Milestones ADBSROCountries 30 Sept. Letters of agreement to SROs Draft letters of agreement to countries 15 Oct. SignatureBudget 30 Oct. SignaturePrepare for procurement 15 Nov. Countries receive money

13 Oct. 04Nov.04Dec.04Jan. 05Feb. 05 Survey Planning National Survey Framework Training (ICP ToolPack + Price Collection) including pilot surveys Start Data Collection Short Term Time Table

14 Assistance to countries on National Survey Framework Benin Burkina Faso Cameroon Central African Republic Chad Egypt Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Kenya Madagascar Mozambique Namibia Niger South Africa Tunisia Zimbabwe Burundi Cape Verde Comoros Congo (Brazzaville) Congo (RDC) Côte d'Ivoire Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Guinea Bissau Guinea Conakry Lesotho Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Rwanda Sao Tome Senegal Sierra Leone Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Togo Uganda Zambia Zanzibar 18 No 26 Yes 3 Staff members + 8 consultants being recruited