Consumer Engagement Leadership Consortium 3:00 - 4:00 pm ET August 22, 2013
CELC Committee Members Juanita White Mike ChilcoatMargie Turner Kerry Loeffler
Call Agenda 3:00 - 3:05 PMWelcome, IntroductionsDeborah Roseman Juanita White New Committee Appropriate Care: how are alliances helping ensure patients get the care they need, and not the care they don’t need? 3:05 – 3:20 PM Choosing Wisely (Maine) Other Choosing Wisely alliances / Q & A How are you planning to sustain this work? Kathy Day Group Group 3:20 - 3:35 PM Make the Right Call (Cincinnati) Other campaigns / Q & A How are you planning to sustain this work? Kerry Loeffler Group Group 3:35 - 3:45 PMNovember National Meeting update & feedbackMike Chilcoat 3:45 – 3:50 PMSustainability Sub-committeePoppy Arford 3:50 – 4:00 PMUpdates/Next StepsMargie Turner Cody Barnett
“Safe, high quality, accessible and affordable healthcare is important to all of us.”
Kathy Day’s Kidney Stone
Louie’s story
Did I need all this? Did it help or change the outcome? 1. At least 5 sets of blood work, with CBC,chemical profiles, parathyroid hormone levels 2. Several urine tests, including urinalysis and urine culture, and two 24 hour urine tests 3. 1 MRI 4. 2 CT scans 5. 2 ER visits, 2 primary care visits, 2 urologist visits, 1 endocrinologist visit 6. Prescriptions for antibiotic (no infection) and Flomax (did not fill or take either one) 7. Lab analysis of kidney stone Estimate $10,
Choosing Wisely Web Links 1.One page intro. content/uploads/2012/09/031913_Choo sing-Wisely-One-Pager.pdf 2. 5 questions to ask your doctor (PDF) content/uploads/2013/06/CWPosterGen eralSmall.pdf 3. Physicians role in Choosing Wisely les/2-335/making-it-ok-to-ask-role-of- physicians/0 4. Maine’s choices of top 5 focus areas e/2-919/cw-top-5-focus-areas 5. All 21 Choosing Wisely Grantees ntees/ 6. American Board of Internal Medicine link to Choosing Wisely 7. Consumer Health Choices (Consumer Reports) information and consumer materials/videos campaigns/choosing-wisely/ 8. How to talk to your doctor our-new-video-talking-points
Choosing Wisely Questions? Input from other Choosing Wisely communities Other efforts to help patients and providers communicate about appropriate care?
“Make the Right Call” Kerry Loeffler, Cincinnati
Emergency Dept. Use Questions? Other efforts to help patients access care in the right place, at the right time?
November 2013 AF4Q National Meeting “The Power of Influence in a Changing World”
November Consumer Pre-Meeting Draft Agenda Meet & Greet: informal coffee with consumers and staff, link up with buddy match Welcome, icebreaker Panel: Lessons of influence Lunch table discussions: tapping your influence Maximizing Your Influence: hands-on training Review full national meeting agenda & meeting engagement form
November Pre-Meeting Questions?
Sustainability Subcommittee Update: survey Early October meeting If you’re interested and haven’t already done so, please
Next CELC meeting (After November national meeting) Thurs., Dec. 5, 3:00 PM Eastern Questions?