Nicole Pupino Sheena Gamble LaShaunda Brown
Background The first Palm Pilot (personal PDA) was invented in 1996, and from that year on it has taken off- with newer versions coming out every year. The Pilot 1000 debuted with 128k of memory and a monochrome black on green glass touch-screen display. The original 'Pilot organizer' applications included: Date Book, Address Book, To Do List, Memo Pad, Calculator, Security and HotSync.
Examples of Technology Apple Ipad (Applications) Apple Ipod Touch (Applications) Interactive white boards Classroom response systems known as "clickers"
Tips for using Technology in the classroom
Pro’s and Con’s PRO’S Keeps lesson interesting and students having fun while learning All students are engaged and active Different teaching method CON’S Most technology is very expensive Provides a possible distraction for students Cheating
Sources ilot-1000-retrospective/