Ask a ___________ ___________ Make a ___________ ___________ Test ____________ _ Test ____________ _ experiment Collect ____________ Analyze ___________ ___________ ____________ _ The Scientific Method is a process that is used to find answers to questions about the world around us.
ASK a QUESTION QUESTION ASK a QUESTION QUESTION Questions should be testable and not vague. What is the best kind of paper towel? Is Bounty or Sparkle more absorbent? Write a good question so that we could design an experiment to answer it!
Do you know a TESTABLE question WHEN YOU SEE ONE? Does eating breakfast increase your grades? Can you get a sunburn through a window?
Make a HYPOTHESIS HYPOTHESIS A hypothesis is a “guess” as to what you think the answer will be based on what you know. “I think ______ will happen if ____________”
A GREAT SCIENCE SKILL.. PREDICTING Making a statement of what will happen in the future based on past evidence or experience.
Which color m&m takes the longest to melt? I think yellow. Yellow m&ms will take the longest to melt. Yellow m&ms will take the longest to melt under a heat lamp because they are bright and will reflect the light and heat.
Test PROCEDURE Experiment The Experiment is the steps to follow to test your hypothesis. Follow the procedure in order. Constant/control- things NOT changed Independent Variable- the 1 thing the experimenter changes or tests (Give a plants different fertilizers)
Question: Is your dominant arm stronger? Hypothesis: Procedure: 1. Hold out your right arm to the side, palm up. 2. Place a text book on your palm. 3. Record the number of seconds you can hold the book out. 4. Repeat with the left arm.
Question: Is your dominant arm stronger? Hypothesis: Procedure: 1. Hold out your right arm to the side, palm up. 2. Place a text book on your palm. 3. Record the number of seconds you can hold the book out. 4. Repeat with the left arm. What should we keep constant? What is the independent variable?
Collect DATA DATA Write down all information and measurements that occur in the experiment. Dependent variable- this changes because of the experiment in the results (The plant grows 15cm.) Record measurements at all necessary times of experiment.
A GREAT SCIENCE SKILL.. OBSERVING Using one or more of your senses to gather information Quantitative- quantities (amounts) you can measure like temperature, height, and grades Qualitative- descriptions
Question: Is your dominant arm stronger? Hypothesis: Procedure: 1. Hold out your right arm to the side, palm up. 2. Place a text book on your palm. 3. Record the number of seconds you can hold the book out. 4. Repeat with the left arm. What should we keep constant? What is the independent variable? WHAT IS THE DEPENDENT VARIABLE?
Analyze Analyze RESULTS Think about the information collected. What happened? What didn’t happen? Why? What other questions do you have? Was your hypothesis correct? Any errors? Could you re-do and change something?
A GREAT SCIENCE SKILL.. INFERRING Explain or interpret things you observe Based on reasoning from what you already know CLASSIFYING A process of grouping items that are alike in some way.
COMMUNICATE SHARE!!! Make a graph, table, graphic organizer…. Tell what you learned. Make inferences. Share your analysis.
A GREAT SCIENCE SKILL.. Making models Creating representations of complex objects or processes Help us study and understand things that are complex (complicated) or that cannot be observed directly (with your eyes) like space or atoms…