The Duel for North America Britain, France Spain world wars American have never been left unscathed
France finds a foothold Convulsed by domestic strife France is a late colonizer St. Bart’s day and Edict of Nantes Father of New France- Quebec-location Political error seals fate Describe autocratic nature of the colony Paris favors islands over the continent
In Pursuit of Wealth Fur-beaver-highly prized Coureurs de bois Voyageurs Jesuits Explorers-Cadillac/de La Salle Trading posts established to thwart Spain New Orleans
Clash of Empires 1689 King Williams War Queen Anne’s War Spain allied with France attacks S.C. Guerrilla warfare-natives v. pioneer Port Royal- Acadia falls- Cajuns Treaty of Utrecht 1713-France/Spain lose New France surrounded- Limited trade rights granted to England in Spanish held areas
War of Jenkin’s Ear Ear is literally severed War of Austrian sucession-King George’s War Louisbourg captured by Americans- diplomats in Europe hand the area back to France-Americans outraged
George Washington Inaugurates War with France Ohio River Valley is contested France needs it to connect lower Miss. River holdings to Canada English needs it to check that growth and allow for their own expansion 1749-Virginia land Company acquired rights to 500,000 acres Same time France is busy building a series of forts from Niagra Falls down through the valley
Clash alters history 1754-land to be surveyed Encounter with French Captain-skirmish Retreat ten miles south-Fort Necessity 10 hour siege-full military honors Acadians forced removal-Nova Scotia
Global War-colonial disunity Britain and Prussia v. France,SpainAustria and Russia-Frederick the Great earns his moniker-3:1- America was conquered in Germany Albany Congress-called for by Britain-purpose keep Iroquois out of contest-7/13 Segmented snake sums up Franklin’s point APU-Colonists-not enough control/Crown too much
Braddock’s Blunder and its aftermath Braddock employs European tactics in wilderness setting-result? British return to invade Canada and attack several outposts at once Natives have their way-frontier colonists grow discontent-’no one cares about us’-
Pitt’s Palm of Victory Great Commoner- Organizer of Victory Focus attention on Montreal and Quebec-put sugar islands on back burner Replace old political soldiers with young ones eager to get ahead 1758-Louisbourg falls again Battle of Quebec 1759 one of the MOST significant military engagements in British/American perhaps world history Montreal falls the next year
Restless Colonists Colonial self esteem + fought well Myth of English superior arms called ? British officers held Ams. In contempt Am. Settlers felt they were doing crown a favor by taming these new lands Some Am. Shippers not doing their part Ams. Refused to pay for supplies-wanted guarantees of repayment Intercolonial disunity is present-yet in some ways becoming less
Americans:A People of Destiny Hawk and Chicks reference