Chapter 2. Getting Started 컴퓨터 실험 1 Archi & Net 연구실 이광포
요점사항 u 유닉스 시스템 시작하기 u 로그인과 로그아웃 u Vi 에디터 이용하기 u 파일처리를 위한 기본 명령어
Using the UNIX System u Logging In Login name Password u Changing Your Password Utility - passwd Example [lab]/user3/kplee 4 > passwd passwd: Changing password for kplee Enter login password: New password: Re-enter new password: passwd (SYSTEM): passwd successfully changed for kplee u Logging Out logout, exit or -D
Creating and Editing a File Using vi u Specifying a Terminal [lab]/user3/kplee 30 > echo $TERM vt100 Bourne Shell and Kourn Shell -.profile C Shell -.login,.cshrc u Editing with vi Mode - Command mode and Input mode Input command : i, a, o Moving the cursor - h, l, k, j Go to line number - 500G Deleting text - x, dw, dd, 5dd, 1,$dd Yank - yy, Y Search - /
Creating and Editing a File Using vi u Editing with vi (cont.) Replace/Substitute l :s/aa/bb/g l :1,.s/aa/bb l :.,$/aa/bb l :s/^/aa/g l :s/$/aa/g Join two line - J Execution Shell - :sh Include file - :r Undo - u Save and Exit - :wq, ZZ Exit without save - :q! Environment setting - :set number
Basic Command u Listing the Contents of a Directory ls l option -a, -l, -g, -i u Displaying the Contents of a Text File cat more u Deleting a File rm