WBS-Construction of House cont. Lecture by Junaid Arshad Department of Engineering Management Abridged and adapted by A. M. Al-Araki, sept Earlier topics: [WBS], [Dictionary of WBS] and [OBS] Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Technical Approach, Scope of Work, Specifications, Risk Management and Resource Allocation based on WBS The 100% Rule
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Merging WBS and OBS = RAM or Responsibility Assignment Matrix, the lowest level of both. This identifies specific responsibility for specific tasks. -- WBS: Lowest level OBS: Lowest level 2
The lowest level of the WBS appears across the top The lowest level of the OBS appears on the vertical axis Hours mentioned in the graphic below can be replaced by the intersection of the WBS task and OBS personnel. The cross-section between the task, framing the exterior walls, and the responsible person, Mr. Sites shows that Mr. Sites has 300 hours to frame the exterior walls, 250 hours to frame the interior walls and 175 hours to install the roofing trusses. 3
Technical Approach and WBS 4 It is recommended, before attempting to develop the WBS, to develop the technical approach identifying the major tasks that will be performed and how (level of effort, quality) these tasks will be performed. Scope of Work Based on WBS Specifications based on WBS WBS and Risk Management
Scope of Work Based on WBS The scope of work describes or represents the details (in terms of level of effort, quality of performance, resources supplied, materials used, etc.) of the work that is graphically displayed in WBS. The WBS serves to outline the scope of work. Using the WBS as an outline, the names of major tasks can become text headings for the various sections of the scope of work. In a similar fashion the subtasks names can become text subheadings and so on. Specifications based on WBS Regardless of how all the specifications are presented, an effort must be made to identify them by considering the WBS at the work package level. WBS and Risk Management The WBS allows the project planning team to consider potential risk events at the work package level. Once possible risks have been identified, methods of managing those risks can be considered. 5
The 100% Rule The 100% Rule states that the WBS includes 100% of the work defined by the project scope and captures all deliverables i.e. internal, external, interim; in terms of the work to be completed, including project management. The WBS should not include any work that falls outside the actual scope of the project, that is, it cannot include more than 100% of the work. 6
7 Example - The 100% Rule