South Carolina Hospital Association October 4, 2012
Data is not the answer: it just points you in a direction… DATA = Information + Experience = Knowledge … Wisdom…. GOOD DECISION MAKING
Build your Community Health Plan Implement your Community Health Plan Measure the impact of your Community Health Plan
It all begins with … Asking lots of questions, Asking the right questions, and Knowing when to stop and when NOT to stop….
10%: No Teeth 8%: No prenatal care 17.2% live in poverty 25% Smoke African Americans: Death from heart disease 2X greater; Diabetes, 3X greater 49% ER visits – non-emergent 65% overweight or obese Highest teen pregnancy rate in SC High infant mortality rate 15% readmissions
BUT… Data can be your best ally worst enemy or your worst enemy
Example Spartanburg Regional: 15% Readmission Rate
Solutions: Internal Hospital Focus: Better manage the patient while in the hospital Improve Discharge Planning efforts Send the patient home with medicationsOR…..
Identify global solutions: External focus! Upstate Care Transitions Coalition 4 Hospitals 3 Counties 20 Community Partners
Example: 49% ER visits: Non-emergent Care ER at capacity
Solutions: Discourage non-emergent use: Copays Discourage ER for follow-up visit Require payment up front Expand the EROR…..
Before finding solutions…. Determine the Cause Capacity Issues (Safety Net providers full) Lack of primary care and specialty care Address the Causes Develop solutions to expand capacity outside the ER
A shocking statistic can motivate a community to change It all begins with awareness. Awareness leads to emotion/anger/frustration/disgr ace, etc… Emotion leads to commitment. Commitment leads to CHANGE.
10 % citizens have no teeth Highest teen pregnancy rate in the state Children in communities that have a Smokefree Ordinance are 44% less likely to ever start smoking
Improving Outcomes Reducing Costs Birth Matters AccessHealth Spartanburg Welvista
BirthMatters Participants and Outcomes Spartanburg County BirthMatters (mothers age 20 and under) Racial/Ethnic Composition 85% African American, 8% Caucasian, 7% Latino Low Birth Weight Births 2% (compared to 10.1% in Spartanburg County) Mothers Breastfeeding at Birth 93% (compared to 61.2% in Spartanburg County)
Over 2000 clients enrolled 750 Cases closed 175 graduates 48% reduction IP admissions 57% reduction IP charges 32% reduction ER visits 35% reduction ER charges 13 to 1 return on investment!! 13 to 1 return on investment!!
Hospital Investment: $185,000 Return: $5.7 million free meds 50.6% reduction in ER charges 25.3% reduction ER visits 63.6% reduction IP charges 45% reduction IP admissions $1.7 million savings/year!! $1.7 million savings/year!!
Hospital Finance Quality Information Services Community DHEC Local universities Council of Governments County government State DHEC ORS State universities
Renee Romberger, FACHE VP, Community Health Policy & Strategy Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System