Regional & Urban Policy Finding & Understanding Regional Data: The EU 2020 Index and the EU Social Progress Index By Lewis Dijkstra Deputy Head of the Economic Analysis Unit DG for Regional and Urban Policy European Commission
Regional & Urban Policy Europe 2020 Strategy Targets 1.Employment 2.R&D 3.Education 4.Climate change and energy 5.Poverty EU targets National targets (optional) Regional and urban variation
Regional & Urban Policy How do Member States score? 2010
Regional & Urban Policy How do Member States score? 2011
Regional & Urban Policy How do Member States score? 2012
Regional & Urban Policy Member States
Regional & Urban Policy Member States & Capital Regions
Regional & Urban Policy Member States & All Regions
Regional & Urban Policy Distance to 2020 targets Cohesion Policy support is highest in regions far from targets Good performance in most capital regions Regional variation calls for adapted strategies (but not regional targets)
Regional & Urban Policy More information See the Regional Focus 01/2015Regional Focus 01/2015 Includes a national, regional and urban level index Measures both distance to national and EU targets Will be monitored over time
Regional & Urban Policy EU Regional Social Progress Index A joint, three-year project with the Social Progress Imperative and Orkestra, the Basque Institute for Competitiveness Help regions learn from each other Assess what a regions investment needs and policy priorities are be Can support Cohesion Policy programmes
Regional & Urban Policy The European Union Regional Social Progress Index Basic Human needs Nutrition and Basic Medical Care Water and Sanitation ShelterPersonal Safety Foundations of Wellbeing Access to Basic Knowledge Access to Information and Communications Health and Wellness Ecosystem Sustainability Opportunity Personal Rights Personal Freedom and Choice Tolerance and Inclusion Access to Advanced Education
Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 1. Premature mortality(<65) 2. Infant mortality 3. Unmet medical needs 4. Insufficient food Water and Sanitation 5. Satisfaction with water quality 6. Lack of toilet in dwelling 7. Uncollected sewage 8. Sewage treatment Shelter 9. Burdensome cost of housing 10. Satisfaction with housing 11. Overcrowding 12. Lack of adequate heating Personal Safety 13. Homicide rate 14. Safety at night 15. Traffic deaths Basic Human Needs Access to Basic Knowledge 16. Upper-secondary enrolment rate 17. Lower secondary completion only 18. Early school leavers Access to Information and Communications 19. Internet at home 20. Broadband at home 21. Online interaction with public authorities Health and Wellness 22. Life expectancy 23. General health status 24. Standardized cancer death rate 25. Standardized heart disease death rate 26. Unmet dental needs 27. Satisfaction with air quality Ecosystem Sustainability 28. Air pollution-pm Air pollution-pm Air pollution-ozone 31. Pollution or grime 32. Protected land (Natura 2000) Foundations of Wellbeing Personal Rights 33. Trust in the political system 34. Trust in the legal system 35. Trust in the police 36. Quality of public services Personal Freedom and Choice 37. Freedom over life choices 38. Teenage pregnancy 39. Young people not in education, employment or training 40. Corruption index Tolerance and Inclusion 41. Impartiality of government services 42. Tolerance for immigrants 43. Tolerance for minorities 44. Attitudes toward people with disabilities 45. Tolerance for homosexuals 46. Gender employment gap 47. Community safety net Access to Advanced Education 48. Tertiary education attainment 49. Tertiary enrolment 50. Lifelong learning Opportunity
Regional & Urban Policy
SPI raises awareness and interest in: The three sub-indices The individual indicators Scorecards to facilitate comparisons with similar regions (GDP per head or same country) The changes over time (to be developed)
Regional & Urban Policy SPI is not for funding distribution Mixture of official and other sources (EEA, Gallup) Indicators have different margins of error Each step in the process of setting up a composite indicator has a potential impact on the final index Standardisation Weights Type of Aggregation
Regional & Urban Policy Next steps and more info 1.Scientific Board meeting chaired by Professor Enrico Giovannini (Dec. 2015) 2.In-depth sensitivity analysis of results 3.Revised and updated SPI in October Discussion of the SPI in the 7 th Cohesion Report Data on the REGIO Open Data Platform:
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