JSNA 2012: Summary of Main Findings
Infant mortality trend, England, Yorkshire and Humber and North East Lincolnshire There have been big reductions in infant mortality in NE Lincs since 2007 and our rates are now amongst the lowest in the region
Trends of Life Expectancy at Birth for Males in NEL, Yorkshire & Humber and England (1991/93 to 2008/10) There have been significant increases in life expectancy in the last 20 years
Trends of All Circulatory Diseases Mortality for Persons aged Under 75 in NEL, Yorkshire & Humber and England ( )
Self-reported smoking prevalence in adults aged 18 and over (IHS 2010/11) High rates of smoking partly explain why we have lower rates of life expectancy in NE Lincs
Lung Cancer Mortality for Persons Aged Under 75 in NE Lincolnshire ( )
All Cardiovascular Diseases Mortality for Persons (Aged Under 75) in the NE Lincolnshire
Deaths Considered Preventable in NE Lincolnshire, all Persons, by Ward 2007/11
Proportion of Children aged 0-15 yrs Living in Poverty in NE Lincolnshire by Electoral Ward (Aug 2010) Underlying poverty has a major impact on health and wellbeing and some communities in NE Lincs have exceptionally high rates of child poverty
Out of Work benefit claimants in NE Lincolnshire, by electoral ward (2012) Unemployment underpins poverty and poor health and a number of wards have exceptionally high numbers of people claiming out of work benefits. The East Marsh, West Marsh, South and Sidney Sussex wards repeatedly come out worst in indicators throughout the JSNA
Proportion of households deemed to be living in fuel poverty by electoral ward (2010)
Homelessness Rates by Local Authority, (2011/12)
Alcohol Related Hospital Admissions in NE Lincolnshire (2002/03 to 2011/12)
Older Population: Projected Number of People and 80+ in NE Lincs up to 2020
Older People: Demographic trends which will impact on health & social care
Prevalence of Dementia in GP Practice Populations 2006/11
JSNA: Summary of Findings (1) Infant mortality- big improvements have been made since 2007 and local performance is now better than the regional and national average Life Expectancy- year on year improvements overall but inequality gap for men is widening and little improvements are being made in our most deprived areas Cardiovascular disease- big reduction in mortality in last 20 years but inequality gap remains, increasing incidence of diabetes Cancer- survival rates are lower in NEL, wide inequality gap for cancer mortality, GP two week referral rate for suspected cancers is significantly lower in NEL Smoking- some of the highest rates of smoking in the country, very high smoking in pregnancy rates, rates falling in younger people Child Health- some improvements but continuing concerns of low numbers breastfeeding, obesity in reception year children and teenage pregnancy, especially in areas of deprivation
JSNA: Summary of Findings (2) Poverty- very high levels of poverty affecting children in some of our most deprived areas, fuel poverty also increasing but a more complex and widespread problem Homelessness- NEL has a high number of homelessness acceptances but a fairly low rate of households in temporary accommodation Unemployment- high proportion of the working population receiving out of work benefits in deprived communities, growing number of vacancies being advertised Alcohol- continuing increase in alcohol related admissions, increasing incidence and mortality of liver disease especially in deprived areas Dementia- prevalence of dementia increasing rapidly in NEL reflecting the ageing populations and now appears to exceed regional and national rates