What is your coursework about? Your coursework involves writing about an important, current issue in science. e.g. Should cannabis be legalised? Are mobile phones dangerous? Should human cloning be allowed?
What do you have to do? You will need to: a. research to find out what a variety of different people think about the issue, including thoughts of people who are in favour and others who are against it. b. consider the different views and use your science knowledge to decide what you think. c. write up a structured report on the issue.
Why your coursework is important? Your coursework will be marked and contributes to your final Core GCSE grade.
Argument in favour of ‘X’ but conclusion B is possible... evidence 3 evidence 4 evidence 5 evidence 1 evidence 2 evaluated and critically compared My overall conclusion is.. because... Argument against ‘X’ Source Are detailed scientific explanations included? What’s the quality of the evidence? How reliable are they? The structure of your coursework:..pictures/diagrams /charts to improve explanations? Have you used relevant scientific terminology?
Sources I have assessed them for their reliability My references are clear and detailed I have a wide variety A big question I have selected relevant information The report References are included within the report I have presented the issues and conclusions clearly and in an appropriate format My audience is clear I have made good use of scientific terminology It is not too long My spelling, punctuation and grammar are excellent I have used pictures, diagrams, charts and tables effectively Arguments and conclusions I have provided evidence to support the claim I have linked evidence to the claim I have evaluated and critically compared different claims/arguments I have used persuasive language I have considered the counter arguments I have shown awareness that there may be valid alternatives
Example: The Simpsons
Issue: Is Bart a good role model for young people? Argument 1: Bart is a good role model because.... Argument 2: Bart is not a good role model because.... Evidence 1: Looks after Santa's little helper (dog) Evidence 2: Helps Milhouse to buy his favourite comic Evidence 1: Rings up Bar asking for people with false names Evidence 2: Is cheeky to Homer Evidence 3: Splits up Milhouse and his girlfriend Source Episode 3, 12, 15 Episode 4 Episodes 1, 2, 4, 7 Episode 2,3,4,5 Episode 13
Argument 1: Bart is a good role model because.... Argument 2: Bart is not a good role model because.... but conclusion B is possible... evaluated and critically compared I prefer conclusion A because... ‘Bart can be both good and bad role models as...’ Issue: Is Bart a good role model for young people?