Jess Liam Dom Al Mai Kyle Lucy Adam Ryan S Zoe Ryan K Russ Dan Laura Ben Rob Joe Groups – sit on one row together, computers are not needed initially.
Science & Technology review (10mins) 1.Taboo i.In four groups, one person at a time selects a taboo card and attempts to get the rest of the group to say the two or three words on the card that are related to science and technology. 2.Recap extended learning task (ELT) i.Discuss the task in your group and ensure each person has enough answers to be able to achieve the marks available for the question. 3.Group discussion of E.L.T.
Role Models in Sport
What you need to know: The characteristics that a role model might have Why role models are important in setting participation trends and shaping attitudes How role models can have an effect on the popularity of activities What you need to be able to do : Give examples of sporting role models and describe what makes them a role model Give examples of sports that have increased in popularity as a result of role models
Starter: With the person next to you discuss the following: -What is a role model? -Who are your sporting role models? -Why are they your role models
E/D: Describe the characteristics of a sporting role model and give examples of current role models C/B: Explain how role models shape attitudes, trends and participation in certain sports and link this thinking to ‘Rachel’. A/A*: Consider the following statement…. Many sportsmen and women who are role models live their life under the media spotlight as well as facing other pressures of being a role model. - Explain the additional pressures they may be under and consider whether you think this is fair for these role models – justify your answer.