Shared Hope International Maryam Ahmed Theodore Scott Yewande Ajetunmobi
Agenda What is Human Trafficking? What is Shared Hope International (SHI)? Plan for Clayton State students
What is Human Trafficking The United States defines human trafficking as, “the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person”.
Girls of all ages are sold into prostitution, while boys as young as eleven are to serve as child soldiers or to perform forced labor. women and children work 18-hour days in atrocious conditions, with no breaks.
The victims are usually paid little to no money for their work, and many are there against their will. Many people do not know the horrors women and children face in the human trafficking industry. One of the organizations committed to stopping this brutal act is Shared Hope International.
Spreading Hope Shared Hope International (SHI) is an organization that helps women and children who are the victims of sex traffickers. Linda Smith founded SHI in 1998 while a member of the U.S. congress to fight sex trafficking
The organization has three intense strategies, which are to prevent, rescue, and restore. Europe, South America, United States, Asia, and Jamaica The rescue program assists women during their departure and conversion from sexual slavery to a fully restored life The rescue program assists women during their departure and conversion from sexual slavery to a fully restored life
SHI also communicates with individuals by distributing booklets in the countries, which includes the real life stories of reformed victims The restoration program partners with other agencies to bring both short and long term care to the rescued individuals
SHI has HIV clinics to provide treatments and regular check-ups to people infected with HIV and other diseases The women and children who salvage their hope receive treatment and counseling while obtaining an education or vocational training.
Clayton State Students There are currently sixty student organizations at Clayton State University. There are currently sixty student organizations at Clayton State University. awareness week Shared Hope International provides a packet to inform individuals about the organization and their mission.
Each student association will raise money for the causes listed. It includes providing a home and healthcare for a woman and child for one year, 3 months, 1 month, or secures freedom for a woman and child
Clayton State will have a fair in which organizations committed to stopping human trafficking come and make students and faculty aware of each type of crime.