Lecture 22 By thought and dint of hammering, Is the good work done whereof I sing, And a jollier crowd you´ll rarely find, than the men who chip on earth´s old rind, And often wear a patched behind, By thought and dint of hammering. - Andrew C. Lawson Structural Geology Webpage for course (daytime) Webpage for course (nighttime)
Map quiz 25 (2) 24 (2) (2) 21 (6) 20 (3) 19 (5) 18 (2) 17 (2) 16 (2) (2) 12 (2) 10 8
As we learned from James Hutton: Originally strata are: horizontal layers younger beds above older ones
Fig. 18-4, pg. 420
Sedimentary rocks are deposited in Flat-lying layers subsequently FOLDED FAULTED REMOVED THROUGH EROSION
Folds anticlinesyncline
Fig A-B
anticlines and synclines Fig A Fig B
How to identify eroded folds Relative age
Kinds of mountains Fault Block Fold and Thrust Volcanic
Faults Hanging wall Foot wall
Faults Hanging wall Foot wall Hanging wall Foot wall
Normal fault Reverse fault Fig A Fig B
How to identify type of fault Relative age
Thrust faults Fig B
Kinds of mountains Fault Block Fold and Thrust Volcanic
weathering Fig. 8 B-C
Fig. 8 C-D Erosional unconformity
Folds anticlinesyncline