Do plants fed with fertilizer grow better than plants fed with just water? [Objective] Discover which produces a better result through several tests. [Hypothesis] Plants fed with the fertilizer will do better. [Null] There will be no change. [Accomplish] By setting up an experiment testing the two variables. [Outcome] Expect fertilized plants to do better.
Author: Mikkelsen, Robert L. Journal of Plant Nutrition. The article’s title: Using tobacco by-products as a nitrogen source for container-grown houseplants. August (8).
Author Affiliation : Department of Soil Science, North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC. The experiment was designed to evaluate the use Nicotiana tabacum L., which is a by- product of tobacco. Do plants grow better when fed with this by- product than those grown with ordinary water or a liquid feed?
The objective is prove or disprove that Nicodtiana tobacum L. is better than organic fertilizers. The methods include: A)Setting up an experiment with three sets of plants for 8 weeks. B) Introducing one set of plants to the Nicotiana tobacum L. another to water, and another to organic fertilizer.
The proposal is that the miracle grow formula will cause a more accelerated growth rate, more color, and a better bloom than the plant fed with the neutral water formula. The [Null] would be that there was no change in the plants growth between the two. [Objective] Hopefully get a clear result finding if fertilizer makes a difference.
Step 1: Make an Observation Plants fed with fertilizer seem to have a better color and a more full bloom. Step 2: State the Problem Do plants fed with fertilizer grow better than plants fed with just water? Step 3: Research the Problem Seems from research plants growth improves when a fertilizer substance is added. Step 4: Form a Hypothesis – Null Hypothesis Plants fed with fertilizer have a more rapid growth rate and a visually greater appearance than those fed with ordinary water. Step 5: Test the Hypothesis Water a group of the plants with the fertilizer solution and another with the ordinary water solution. Experimental Design Method and Materials Set up an experiment that includes: A)8 separate pots filled with equal amount of soil B)Each pot containing 4 seeds C)Label 4 FL for fertilized and 4 with NF for non-fertilized Method: Water each pot with roughly the same amount of liquid. Four being watered with the fertilizer solution and four watered with the water solution. Count leaves for the judgment of growth rate. Later, if time permitted, I would like to gather a seed outcome comparison between the two groups. Step 6: Draw Conclusions from the data.The Fertilized Plants proved to grow at a more rapid rate, had better color, and had a bigger bloom.
Statistical Test Include: T-test Variance/Mean G-test Water Density Test
The expected result is the fertilizer will increase the growth and volatility of the plant. The plant would overall be healthier and produce a better result.
Preliminary Update/Definitive Activity Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Selecting Topic Identify Title Objective Hypothesis Search Literature Developing Research Proposal Power Point Presentation Proposal Creating Project Web Page Setting up Experimental Research Observations Collecting Data Analyze Data Interpreter Results Create Poster Final Manuscript Present Final Results
Expenses Include: Miracle Grow Solution Plastic Cups Plant Light Two Containers for solution Around 30 Marigold Seeds Potting soil Pencil, Paper, Word Programs, Computer, ect. Total: Around 100 Dollars.