E2E Spatial Infrastructures The South Esk Hydrological Sensor Web Andrew Terhorst Project Lead: Real-Time Water Information Systems 6 December 2010 Water.


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Presentation transcript:

E2E Spatial Infrastructures The South Esk Hydrological Sensor Web Andrew Terhorst Project Lead: Real-Time Water Information Systems 6 December 2010 Water for a Healthy Country Flagship

The Problem E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010

South Esk River Catchment E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010

Theoretical Model of Situation Awareness E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010

OODA Framework E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010 ACT DECIDE ORIENT OBSERVE Sensing Observations Interpretation Information Hypothesis Action Knowledge learning doing improving refining assessing

E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010 Physical Sensors, Observation Archives Numerical Models Decision Support Tools Decision Support Tools Sensor Layer Application Layer Current Approach

E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010 Physical Sensors, Observation Archives Sensor Web Numerical Models Semantic Broker Decision Support Tools Decision Support Tools Sensor Layer Services Layer Application Layer Future Approach

Sensor Web Definition A Sensor Web is a coordinated observation infrastructure composed of a distributed collection of resources (e.g. sensors, platforms, models, communications infrastructure) that can collectively behave as a single, autonomous, task-able, dynamically adaptive and reconfigurable observing system that provides raw and processed data, along with associated metadata, via a set of standards-based service-oriented interfaces. E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010

SweCommon OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) WNS SOS SES CS-W TML SensorML O&M EncodingsServices SPS E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010

South Esk Hydrological Sensor Web E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010

Google Maps SOS Client E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010

WaterML2.0 E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010

Vocabularies Quality Data type Units of measure Processing code Qualifier WaterML2.0 defined: … Recommended: Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM): OPEN OPEN (Some analysis has occurred…) WaterML2.0 defined: … WaterML2.0 Data point

Levels of Interoperability E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010 Observation & Measurements I know that an observation was made using this process on a phenomenon, with a result Observation & Measurements + a vocabulary agreement I understand the phenomenon you measured WaterML2.0 sans vocabulary agreement I know that an observation was made at a measuring station, using a sensor, and a time series was produced I know that an observation was made using a measuring station, a sensor, and a time series is produced WaterML2.0 + partial vocabulary agreement I can understand the observations and import into my system directly, allowing full mapping to internal representation WaterML2.0 + full vocabulary agreement

Provenance Definition Provenance of a resource is a record that describes entities and processes involved in producing and delivering or otherwise influencing that resource. Provenance provides a critical foundation for assessing authenticity, enabling trust, and allowing reproducibility. Provenance assertions are a form of contextual metadata and can themselves become important records with their own provenance. E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010

Provenance Information Model E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010 W3C Sensor Ontology WaterML 2.0 Proof Mark-Up Language LineageProcess Domain

E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010 Harvesting Provenance Continuous Flow Forecasting P-Store Query

Provenance Information E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010

Conclusions Need well-documented use cases at appropriate level of granularity i.e. use design by contract methodology Architectural design should: Promote re-use/re-purposing of data and infrastructure Facilitate knowledge management Enable discovery and exploration of web-based resource SWE standards are a moving target and complexity is an issue Provenance enables/promotes data re-use/re-purposing Linked open data approaches require serious consideration E2E Spatial Infrastructures Workshop 6 December 2010

Thank you Tasmanian ICT Centre Andrew Terhorst Senior Research Scientist Phone: Web: Contact Us Phone: or Web: