BRIEF PROFILE E.R.F.C. (European Regional Framework for Co-operation) 6, Episkopou Georgiou Street, Aegion, Achaia, Greece Tel: Fax: url: E.R.F.C.
ERFC took the form of a Civil Society, Non Government Organization, Not for Profit, aiming at EU Integration. ERFC was founded on (according to the submission of its statute to the Court of First Instance in Aegion Greece, with submission entrenchment – protection No 120). ERFCs’ headquarters are situated in Aegion, Prefecture of Achaia, Region of Western Greece while legally established chapters are already operational in Corfu & Alexandroupolis.
Internal Communication: -Quarterly newsletter of information [also external communication] -Website. -Mail, telephone. -Meetings. -Internet forum. - Reporting to JMA.
The aim will be to communicate both the culture + and non-culture stakholders the functionality and benefits of the CULTUR-EXP portal. The target (stakeholders) audience includes: 1. contemporary artistic creation and the heritage sector 2. users and consumers of culture; including: the tourist industry (hotels, restaurants, and other entertainment establishments); media – TV, press and radio education and academic 3. governmental organisation – specifically ministries of culture, education, tourism and town and cities and regions. 4. International and Europe-wide cultural networks 5 Funding organisations, including, foundations, chambers of commerce and public funders.
External communication: 1. The funding organisation – Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism Joint Managing Authority Includes - report writing. No report no money 2. Heritage organisations in the Black Sea region, includes: Include: Museums, archives, libraries, archaeological institutes, historic sites and monuments, and heritage networks.
External communication: 3. organisations involved in contemporary artistic creation, includes: Publishers, artists’ unions, theatre organisations, film institutes, representatives of entertainment industries, like independent film producers.
External communication: 4. government organisation, includes: local and regional governments and their networks, government ministries. 5. Funding organisations, including foundations, public funding agencies, chambers of commerce
External communication: 6. Media, including TV, radio, press. Social networks includes: press releases to specific journalists interested in culture -follow-up with journalist, provide journalist with extra information about the event some tips: Press conference at CULTUR-EXP events -press release -press pack (include dossier, information of EC proposals, etc CVs of the organisations) -coffee, biscuits list of journalists articles on journals
External communication: 6. Media, including TV, radio, press. Social networks includes: more tips: Problems: Journalists compete – therefore avoid informing news agencies. Inform a select number of journalists interested and who know we inform them and not their competitors.
External communication: actions. Results so far: - meeting of the partners - video link [e.g., skype 14 July] - face to face meeting [e.g., Tibilisi Aug] - press release issued - e-newsletter - identifying stakholders - lists of festivals in GR [ERFC has also written an MoU for as a tool of co-operation between the project and stakeholders].
External communication: actions: - 7 e-newsletters for the whole project - starting month 3 [2nd newsletter] - 13 video conference in total - e-directory - construction and completion of an e-directory.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ERFC (European Regional Framework Co-operation)