starter activity Describe the picture or source here. Read the extract from the book in your textbooks. What is the attitude of the author towards the Church? What key words help you to reach you judgement? Look at the date of publication. What events might the author have had in mind as he wrote his book?
Did Henry’s government help or hinder reform? TBAT explain & evaluate part played by govt in the Great Matter Learning objectives Key words: radical faction convocation annates
C R Debate over the Great Matter was split between radical and conservative views. What would be a radical view and who supported it? What would be a conservative one and who would support that?
Your task Read p.90-2 and note down in one colour under the subheading ‘Advances towards Royal Supremacy’ evidence of the radicals succeeding in establishing the Royal Supremacy and eroding the power of the Church Read p.90-2 and note down in one colour under the subheading ‘Advances towards Royal Supremacy’ evidence of the radicals succeeding in establishing the Royal Supremacy and eroding the power of the Church In a separate colour, note down under the subheading, ‘Hurdles to Supremacy’ any problems the radicals faced In a separate colour, note down under the subheading, ‘Hurdles to Supremacy’ any problems the radicals faced
Advances towards Royal Supremacy Anti-clerical literature, e.g. Simon Fish, ‘Supplication for the Beggars’ helped by printing press Anti-clerical literature, e.g. Simon Fish, ‘Supplication for the Beggars’ helped by printing press Failures of notable clerics, e.g. Wolsey Failures of notable clerics, e.g. Wolsey Probate, Pluralities and Mortuaries Act (1529) Probate, Pluralities and Mortuaries Act (1529) Support from leading unis Support from leading unis Foxe & Cranmer’s, ‘Collectanea’ (1531) – ancient docs supporting Supremacy Foxe & Cranmer’s, ‘Collectanea’ (1531) – ancient docs supporting Supremacy Pardon of Clergy (1531) – raised £118,000 in fines for praemunire Pardon of Clergy (1531) – raised £118,000 in fines for praemunire
Hurdles towards Royal Supremacy Lord Chancellor, Thomas More – conflict of conscience Lord Chancellor, Thomas More – conflict of conscience Sympathy for Catherine – Bps Fisher, Tunstall and Standish Sympathy for Catherine – Bps Fisher, Tunstall and Standish Thomas More the Renaissance man pictured with his family in a portrait from later in the C16th
Watch the film about Cromwell and answer the guided questions. Read his biography. Highlight any similarities you detect between Cromwell’s life and that of Wolsey. This might be in terms of background, interests or achievements. Do a quick SWOT analysis of Cromwell based on this information.
Your task Read p.92-4 and take notes on how Henry & Cromwell advanced further towards Royal Supremacy. To guide you take notes on these two key pieces of legislation: Read p.92-4 and take notes on how Henry & Cromwell advanced further towards Royal Supremacy. To guide you take notes on these two key pieces of legislation: Submission of the Clergy, 1532 Submission of the Clergy, 1532 Conditional Restraint of Annates, 1532 Conditional Restraint of Annates, 1532 Who would you say was responsible for the success of these acts? Parliament, Cromwell or Henry? Who would you say was responsible for the success of these acts? Parliament, Cromwell or Henry?
Further push towards Royal Supremacy Submission of the Clergy: convocation only meet with permission of king, new cannon law approved by king; abolition of canon law challenging authority of king Submission of the Clergy: convocation only meet with permission of king, new cannon law approved by king; abolition of canon law challenging authority of king Conditional Restraint of Annates: annates were abolished & if the pope refused to consecrate a new bishop it would be done in England instead Conditional Restraint of Annates: annates were abolished & if the pope refused to consecrate a new bishop it would be done in England instead
Extension task Read a review or even better sections of Hutchinson’s biography of Cromwell and identify what kind of man he thinks he was. Read a review or even better sections of Hutchinson’s biography of Cromwell and identify what kind of man he thinks he was. Watch and review the BBC documentary on Cromwell in weblinks Watch and review the BBC documentary on Cromwell in weblinksweblinks
Did Henry’s government help or hinder reform? TBAT explain & evaluate part played by govt in the Great Matter Learning objectives Key words: radical faction convocation