On the first page of your notebook Create a title page titled: “Prologue: The Rise of Democratic Ideas” Page must have 10 symbols that symbolize the chapter by the end of the unit. All pictures must be colored.
On every left side, you will do an opening activity Answer the question in complete sentences. Be prepared to discuss with the class.
Opening Activity #1 List and explain 5 reasons why someone might want to live in the United States today.
After answering the opening activity… Write down the objectives or the “What I’ll learn” (WIL) questions with space in between. What type of political systems occurred in Athens? How did Greek democracy change?
Ancient Greece Ancient Greece is credited for developing the first democracy or “rule of the people” 2000 B.C – Greeks created small cities which each had its own government Greek city-states adopted either a monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy
Ancient Greece Solon Solon and Cleisthenes made reforms so that more people could take part in government Pericles turned Athens into a direct democracy Citizens rule and make laws Cleisthenes
Ancient Greece Greek thinkers used logic and reason to investigate the nature of the universe, human society, and morality. Based their philosophies on the following assumptions: The universe is put together in an orderly way People can understand these laws through logic and reason. Great philosophers Socrates, Plato & Aristotle
**Answer Reflection Questions** Ancient Greece Legacy of Greece First to create laws First to develop three branches of government **Answer Reflection Questions**
Type of gov’t ran by a small wealthy group Government: Democracy: Gov’t Type of gov’t ran by a small wealthy group Oligarchy
Gov’t Democracy Monarch Aristocracy Oligarchy Gov’t run by a single person called a king or monarch Monarch Gov’t Type of gov’t ran by a small wealthy group of landowner Democracy Aristocracy Oligarchy Gov’t ruled by a few powerful people
Opening Activity #2 What I’ll Learn… What is a direct democracy? Explain it in your own words. What I’ll Learn… How is democracy in Athens similar with the Roman Republic?
Ancient Rome Rome overthrew former king and developed a republic Power is with the citizens Citizens elect leaders to make decisions Patricians v. Plebians Patricians were upper class aristocratic and powerful landowners who held most of the land Plebians were the common people of Rome and were also citizens of Rome that were held from holding important government positions These social classes could not be switched
Ancient Rome The 12 Tables were created Written law code Roman officials created the idea that all free citizens should be protected by law fairly.
Ancient Rome Rome’s republican government Legislative branch Military, legislative & dictator Legislative branch Made up of the Senate and two assemblies Senate was made up of Patricians The Senate was responsible for making laws.
Ancient Rome The Roman Empire created a system of laws to be followed. All citizens had the right to equal treatment under the law (equal rights) A person was considered innocent until proven guilty The burden of proof rested with the accuser rather and the accused Any law that seemed unreasonable or grossly unfair could be set aside
Ancient Rome Written law Legacy of Rome Justinian’s Code Consisted of 5,000 Roman laws. Legacy of Rome Gave the world the idea of a republic and written legal code ***Answer Reflection questions***
On the back of your government tree map, create a double bubble map that compares the Greek Democracy and the Roman Republic Greek Democracy Roman Republic
OA #3 Explain the similarities and the differences between the Greek democracy and the Roman republic. WIL ?s How did ideas from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam help shape democratic ideas?
Religion, Renaissance and Reformation Judaism Monotheistic religion (mono = 1) Individual morality or people have the right to choose between right and wrong Had a written code of law (10 Commandments)
Religion, Renaissance & Reformation Christianity Stressed the importance for love of God, neighbors, enemies, and the individual Stressed also the equality of all humans; a belief central to democracy
Religion, Renaissance & Reformation Islam Based on the teachings of Muhammad Teachings are written in the Qu’ran Dignity (self-worth) of all individuals
Religion, Renaissance and Reformation Category Contribution to Democracy Judaism Emphasizes on individual morality Christianity Equality of believers Islam Dignity of all humans
Opening Activity #4 WIL Question Watch short video clip. Write your point of view for your OA. Discuss with a partner which point of view you agree with. WIL Question How do the contributions listed on your chart support the ideas of democracy? *Hint Think about government and individualism
Religion, Renaissance and Reformation The Roman Catholic Church had become the most powerful religion in Europe Expected unquestioned obedience to its authority
Religion, Renaissance and Reformation The Renaissance Comes from the French word that means “rebirth” Revived classical Greek and Roman ideas Supported by the development of the printing press Stressed the importance of one’s self
Religion, Renaissance and Reformation During the renaissance, people began to question the church Religious reform movement by a group called Protestants Protestants belief that people did not have to rely on the church authorities on judgments. Instead the person could rely on their own judgments
Religion, Renaissance and Reformation Category Contribution to Democracy Judaism Emphasizes on individual morality Christianity Equality of believers Islam Dignity of all humans Renaissance Growth of Individualism Reformation Challenging traditional authority
OA #5 Describe the process that one goes through when he/she is charged with a crime. WIL Question What was the Magna Carta? How did it affect the power of the King?
Reforms in Medieval England Feudalism in England
Reforms in Medieval England William became the King of England William had 3 goals as King: End Feudalism Begin a centralized gov’t in England Develop gov’t in England
Reforms in Medieval England Henry II was a descendent of King William Gifted statesmen of the 12th century Created a system of the jury trial A royal judge would visit each county once a year The judge would look at each crime committed. Then the judge would ask 12 men questions about the accused. ***Do we see anything similar to this in our time?
Reforms in Medieval England King John would become King and was an unpopular king. Nobles tried to take away traditional political power from the King. Presented the King with the Magna Carta
Reforms in Medieval England The Magna Carta Document that would limit the powers of the monarchy and protect individual rights Had 63 clauses and two basic legal rights for the individuals: King had to get permission from Parliament (legislative branch) to tax the people Each person had the right to a jury trial (due process) Answer WIL question