青少年腹主动脉瘤青少年腹主动脉瘤 中山大学附属第一医院血管外科 叶财盛 殷恒讳 王深明. 12 years, female 12 years, female pulsatile abdominal mass for 2ws pulsatile abdominal mass for 2ws.


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Presentation transcript:

青少年腹主动脉瘤青少年腹主动脉瘤 中山大学附属第一医院血管外科 叶财盛 殷恒讳 王深明

12 years, female 12 years, female pulsatile abdominal mass for 2ws pulsatile abdominal mass for 2ws

Operation procedure Dec 13th, 2005 Dec 13th, 2005 Open operation Open operation AAA resection AAA resection Ligation of poeterial branch of left renal artery Ligation of poeterial branch of left renal artery Ligation of right inner iliac artery Ligation of right inner iliac artery

Recover pretty well Recover pretty well No complication No complication

15 days after operation

fragmentized elastic fibers disarranged structure

Follow up No positive finding by Doppler 3 months after operation No positive finding by Doppler 3 months after operation

20 months later

15days post-op 20months post-op

15days post-op 20months post-op

??? What ’ s the cause of AAA in children and adolescent? What ’ s the cause of AAA in children and adolescent? The treatment for this patient latter on? The treatment for this patient latter on?

Thanks !!!