October 1, 2015
Presentation Outline Graduation Requirements Review Post-Secondary Options Applying to post-secondary Admission Requirements CareerCruising Paying for Post-Secondary Scholarships
Graduation Requirements You Need a minimum of 17 Credits to Graduate. This must include: The following 7 Compulsory credits Grade 11 English 11 (2 credits) Math 11 (1 credit) Science (or approved Technology Course) (1 credit) Modern History 11 (1 credit) Fine Arts/Life Role Development cluster (1 credit) Grade 12 English 12 (1 credit) You must also have: English 12 and a minimum of 4 other credits at the Grade 12 Level. Successful completion of the English Language Proficiency Assessment *or approved exemption Post Intensive French (PIF) 10 or French Immersion Language Arts (FILA) 10 * Or approved exemption Two Grade 10 Math Courses – GMF 10 and NRF 10
Fine Arts / Life Role Courses Visual Arts 110 / 120 Individual and Family Dynamics 120 Music 112 / 122 Co-op Ed 120 Theatre Arts 120 Outdoor Pursuits 110 Reading Tutor 120 Physical Education Leadership 120 Entrepreneurship 110 Graphic Arts & Design 110 Wellness 110
Theatre Arts 110 Advanced Theatre Studies 120 (p) Advanced Training Principles 120 F.I. Co-op (2 or 3 credits) Site Layout & Foundations 110 Mandarin 120 Media Production 120 Local Option Courses Reminder: Students can only count 2 local options towards the 17 credits necessary to graduate. However, students may take more if they will have more than the minimum 17 credits at graduation.
Life after High School Work Apprenticeship College University Other (Gap Year, Volunteering, Exchange Program, etc…)
Apprenticeship About 80% of the apprentice's training is done on-the- job. The remaining 20% involves technical (in-school) training (usually NBCC). A minimum of Grade 12 or the equivalent to Grade 12 is required to enter into an apprenticeship program. Apprenticeship is the only career route where one can earn a wage while learning a trade. Over 50 Apprenticeable Occupations
College Offers more direct training for specific occupations Examples: NBCC, Oulton’s, Eastern College, Jon Raymond, etc… Typically college programs have a limited enrollment. Therefore, it is important to get applications in sooner rather than later. Grade 12 students can apply anytime. Grade 11 students can begin applying April 1, 2016 Other colleges: Check websites for application deadlines
University Many universities throughout Canada and beyond Admission requirements vary but on average you need minimum of 5 Grade 12 courses (including English) in university approved courses. (May need upwards of 6 courses in some universities outside of Atlantic Canada.) If applying to certain program (eg. Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Engineering, etc…) may need certain courses and grades. Typically need an average of 70+% in the courses used for admission. May need higher for specific programs.
Applying to College / University Select the program Select the post-secondary institutions that offer the program Check admission requirements Arrange a campus visit Apply (mostly on-line) * Be sure you are aware of deadlines, including entrance scholarship deadlines Arrange to have transcripts sent (at least two; in January & June)
Transcripts A record of the credits you have in high school. Used for application for post-secondary. Transcripts have to be requested from the main office by completing a “Transcript Request Form”. Unofficial Transcripts: Picked up by the student. No cost Official Transcripts Sent directly to college / university by the office Costs: $2 per transcript to mail; $1 per transcript to fax
Admission Requirements College Programs A wide range of requirements varying from high school diploma or equivalency to high school diploma with higher level math and science courses. Examples: Bricklaying at NBCC requires High School Diploma or Equivalency Civil Engineering Technology at NBCC requires High School Diploma or Equivalency, Pre-Calculus 11, Total of 2 Sciences including at least one from Bio 11 or 12, Physics 11 or 12, Chemistry 11 or 12.
Admission Requirements Universities Requirements vary from university to university. Generally a minimum of five University Approved Credits is required for Maritime universities Ontario universities generally require a minimum of six University Approved credits. It is recommended to have at least one or more acceptable credits than the required minimum. This can especially helpful for entrance scholarships.
Canadian universities typically accept these electives: Pre-Calculus 12A/B Foundations of Mathematics 12 Biology 121/122 Canadian Geography 120 Canadian History 120 Canadian Literature 120 FI Canadian History 120 Chemistry 121/2 Economics 120 French 122 FI Language Arts 120 Physics 121/2 Political Science 120
Check with the university when considering using the following electives: Business Org. & Man. 120 Coop Ed 120 Computer Science 120 Enviro Science 120 PE Leadership 120 Intro. to Accounting 120 Journalism 120 Law 120 Media Studies 120 Music 120 Theatre Arts 120 Visual Arts 120
CareerCruising Careercruising is a career exploration and planning website to which all BMHS students have access. It can help students learn about: themselves through interest and skills assessments hundreds of occupations and links to related post- secondary programs post-secondary schools and their programs / requirements how create a resume and portfolio
Careercruising All students have a unique username and password Username: NBED-StudentId (E.g. NBED ) Password: Student’s Date of Birth MMDDYYYY (E.g August 25th, 1980) * After initial login, student will need to change to more secure password* Through the Parent Portal, parents and guardians can view their child’s goals, interests, etc… and track their progress and plans Visit to register. You can get an activation code by: Having your son / daughter you an invitation Requesting one from Mr. Harris in guidance (send him an )
Paying for Post-Secondary Parental Assistance Summer Employment Part time Employment Student Loans Scholarships Savings Bank Loans / Credit Lines Government Incentives (ex. Timely completion benefit, grants, etc…) * More information on student loans will be available in the new year.
Scholarships Graduate Distribution List Post-secondary events, scholarship info, etc.. Update resume Find references Create scholarship folder to help keep organized
Upcoming events Post-Secondary Education Fair Riverview Coverdale Recreation Centre Oct. 22 and 23 More information to follow Check guidance bulletin board and calendar in the foyer for post-secondary school visits to BMHS, open house information, among other information pertinent to Grade 12 students. Information will also be shared through the distribution list.
Upcoming events (October) October 8 – Saint Mary’s University Bus trip to Campus from Champlain Mall October 16 – Mount Allison University Open House October 20 – Western University - BMHS October 22 – University of Guelph - BMHS October 23 – Post Secondary Fair October 24 & 31 – Carleton University Preview Days October 25 – McGill University Open House October 27 – NBCC at BMHS for the day (sign up) October 28 – Memorial University - lunch (sign up) October 29 – Mount Allison BMHS 8AM
Final Thoughts….. High School Student Handbook Link E/SiteCollectionDocuments/high-school-handbook.pdf Visit CareerCruising. A wealth of information on a wide variety of topics related to post-secondary Talk to / Visit / Get in contact with post-secondary schools you are interested in. Open Houses; Individual tours; Information sessions; High school visits Apply, apply, apply for scholarships. Create a file folder for scholarship purposes. Talk to or us. If I do not know the information we will be sure to find out and/or put you in touch with the person who can provide it.
Contact info. Phone number: Mr. Harris (surnames A-G; scholarships) Ms. Allison (surnames H-Z) Students can also make an appointment by completing the appointment request forms in the guidance area.